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Everything posted by Fullmetal_Jedi

  1. I have a PS3, 360 and a Wii (I use my 360 the most). So far, Sony and Microsoft haven't really shown anything that's impressed me too much. I'm actually leaning more towards a Wii U at this point. But we'll see what E3 has to offer before I make any decisions. I'd like to think I'm not a fanboy of one particular console maker. I'm just a gamer, and I'll play on whatever console has the games I want to play.
  2. I pretty much only have good dreams. I can't remember the last time I had a bad dream. And I'm thankfully good at remembering my dreams.
  3. I remember moving once, when I was 4. I've been in the same house ever since.
  4. I think with enough money I could do it. There are plenty of worth while things to do in the world without video games or the internet. We don't NEED them, we only think we do.
  5. I'd like to wait and re-experience the nostalgia myself
  6. I haven't heard them yet. I'd like to say I'll wait for the NA release, but that probably won't happen. The music from the original KH was such an important part of the experience for me, so I'm very excited to hear the update versions of songs that I know and love.
  7. Playing KH in HD on my PS3 AND the Final Mixes. I've always wanted to play them, but never have.
  8. I feel like some are going to be a bit of a challenge, but I've never been much of a trophy/achievement hunter. So I probably won't go out of my way to get some.
  9. At least half of my iPod is comprised of video game scores, soundtracks, compilation albums and live concert albums. I even have some soundtracks from games I've never played. I absolutely LOVE video game soundtracks!!
  10. I said August because I don't want to get my hopes up for a release sooner. I really do want it ASAP though.
  11. Pokemon X & Y, GTAV, The Last of Us, Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars 1313, and it's not mentioned on the list, but Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
  12. I love going to see really epic movies in theaters.
  13. I had the flu new years eve, so that sucked. But that was 2012, 2013 seems good so far. I hope, over all, it's better than 2012 though.
  14. I'm usually busy, but I like to pop in at least once a day to check everything out.
  15. I'm mostly excited to see my older brother over the holidays.
  16. None so far. I was 2 achievements away from having them all in Assassin's Creed 2 though. Mass Effect 3 is the one game I want to get them all in, and I'm so close!! Hopefully with my current playthrough I can get the last few I need. If not, I've got another file with a FemShep that will do it.
  17. I usually like the underdog, or regular person caught up in something extrodinary. I do really like the hero type too (Commander Shepard comes to mind right away for that one).
  18. I'll usually replay it if I really like it. For example, I've played through the Uncharted games, Kingdom Hearts game and Mass Effect games several times because I love them so much, and they're so good.
  19. No. I'm perfectly happy with Windows 7. I see absolutely no reason to change.
  20. I have the Collectors Edition of Mass Effect 3, GTAIV, Uncharted 3 and a Limited Edition MW3 Xbox 360.
  21. I play most days. If I feel like I'm playing too much, too often, I'll take a day and try not to play. That usually doesn't work out too well though lol.
  22. Usually when I play online (Call of Duty) I mute everyone in the lobby I'm not friends with cuz they can be so annoying. When I do play with my brother and friend they usuallt end up trash talking, but I never do. I stay out of that. But if someone says something very offensive (which happens a little too often), I might step in and tell them it's not cool. Especially when it comes to jokes about rape. That's just not cool. If they continue, I'll report them.
  23. I preffer to play alone for the most part, Call of Duty being the exception. So I usually don't played multiplayer. I do, however, really enjoy playing the multiplayer on Mass Effect 3. I think they did a really great job with it, and I love that they're supporting it often with free add-ons. I try not to listen to the "It's tacked on" haters.
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