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Everything posted by Cactuar

  1. I agree,as I said there must be more explanations about the time travel mechanics. These rules are not enough to make sense.
  2. Basis of time travel in Kingdom Hearts universe: >You have to be just a heart to time travel. >You can only travel to a time and space where another version of you is present. >Once on your destination, you can only move foward on time, whatever that means. >Time is immutable (so there must be some smart use to it or a lot of paradoxal loops). >If someone from the past goes to the future, once back to the past his future memories will vanish, but his heart will keep track of it somehow, guiding the person blindly to grow up and time travel "again". Speculation: >The form that travels back to the past is able to warp his other selves to the future, whithout the need of them to leave their bodies (Xemnas was there and he is more body than anything). Is a paradox part of destiny? So, if the "time is immutable" and Young Xehanort's departure from Destiny Islands to seek for another worlds is caused by subliminar instincts his heart kept from being warped into the future by his future cloaked-heart form (KH1 Ansem), this is a paradox meant to be? Or was there some beta timeline where he turned into evil bald man without his future self beeing a bad influence? Young Xehanort said he said everything he knew to Sora, if he didn't, then he is lying or being fooled. There must be more rules to time travel other than the ones we saw on DDD, or it doesn't make sense. Even if it was everything a loop, a destiny for the Xehanorts to gather everyone and Sora by the end of DDD, didn't they fail? I mean, Sora didn't turn into a vessel and everyone just went back to the past and will forever act to reunite there again and not convert Sora. The present Xehanort will have to do some other time magic to bring everyone back again, it doesn't really make much sense in a way or another. I guess he wants to exploit it, even if it's temporary to forge the original X-Blade and open Kingdom Hearts, once that is done I think he can shape space and time to his will.
  3. I think the music fits the game, so I made a video. Reply to let me know what you think about it [media=] [/media]
  4. True, enough with kid Sora leveling up all over again. CoM, Coded and DDD are half of the games and used that same thing.
  5. I'd like to see Lea as a light, it is "assimetric" to the idea that the main playable cast must be the 7, making the story diferent and more interesting, unexpected.
  6. It used to be "Sora you are so hipster, you strike ppl with a giant key". Now it's just so mainstream.
  7. Look a topic with some huge spoilers on the title, let me read it to see people raging about it. *clicks* >Realize it's an old topic from before DDD release. Nice prediction, I would never agree with that if it didn't really happen. It would be cool if Lea still used the chakrans, or even get that keyblade model he "gives" Sora after exploding himself in Kingdom Hearts 2.
  8. Tarverse Town got 2 because it was splited in two right? Something to do with the TWEWY crossover once Joshua tells Riku about it.
  9. Just do as I am doing playing KH 2 final mix on critical, I won't explore untill I get to the last save in the game where I can level the forms and get the abilities to complete the extras.
  10. I want a FM just to get some extra endings to watch on youtube
  11. The Dark part of Ven's heart went "left" to nowhere in the picture lol, I did not know what happened to him after BBS so I didn't do anything about it, Ventus took control over his heart but it was still broken, he may have to "regrow" the broken part. Maybe it is really like people are saying, the red eyes figure in DDD is Vanitas, thus one of the seekers/new organization.
  12. I don't think there is any problem for it to be out in PS3 and then to be released for the next gen. IMO videogames don't have much to evolve in grafics anymore, and the next KH will look better but not that diferent from what we know once it's semi-cartoon style. I know it gives money and that is what is all about to companies but this thousand of kingdom hearts game splited in diferent plataforms are not cool.
  13. A made this on paint by the time BBS was the most recent game if I remember it right, the X-blade turning into the two "main" keyblades was just a theory and I don't know if it still makes sense now that we know by DDD that the X-blade exploded into 7 parts,and each one ended up inside the heart of a diferent princess of light.
  14. Real explanations about the plot. This series have already 10 years right?
  15. Keyblade users that are alive/exist/not in some sort of existencial commatose: Sora Riku Mickey Kairi Lea +Ventus, once his body is still in Castle Oblivion. +Aqua, she knows where the body is, and she is still there, "just" in Darkness. I don't think Terra will be one, he might still be part of Xehanort.
  16. A friend of mine likes to say videogame companies are going to the dark side of DLCs (Downloadable Contents), like square selling extra bosses for FF XIII-2 for U$3,00 etc. Square already did something similar to that in Japan with the Final Mix versions, that are pretty much the same game as the original with some extras, just to sell more. (I guess FM+ whas the worthy one because it came with Re:CoM in Japan) Maybe we will see some extras for DLC, I can immagine a Re:Days for PS3 where new characters for mission mode could be bought in PSN. Nomura's Org.XIII colecting our hearts cash.
  17. How dare someone stone crave this monument and vandalize the grafity writing. hm, but yes it is stupid. I get tired just to think how can vandalize it be fun in any way.
  18. Kingdom Hearts 3: If it doesn't make sense, it's magic.
  19. Funny how some forum friends were like "these keyblades on the graveyard are not real ones because they lack of keychain" about the secret ending by the time of Kingdom Hearts 2. Now with a thousand of keyblade users and the tales about the War it's rather normal to see a new weilder in the series.
  20. That makes sense, like when Sora who came back with a "magic body made of light or wtv" after he turned into a heartless, by that time I don't know if Nomura had already created the nobody idea, because it seemed a little forced to Sora come back without his body (Roxas). It is still weird, if they could create new bodies why would they worry to create vessels anyaway? I guess their real bodies were there, but it's just not explained yet how.
  21. Young Xehanort mission was to escort other norts from past timelines together by the end of DDD wans't it? And once Xemnas was there, a Nobody, that means a body, flesh, time traveled. That was confusing, I just wan't to see theories about it, it's impossible to be 100% sure right now, it's like you say me you understand Evangelions ending. Kingdom Hearts went Gainax with the nonsense time travel.
  22. In order to time travel , one must cast away the flesh. What about the events with the Cornerstone of Light in Kingdom Hearts 2? I mean, it was so simple to people just cast magic doors. By that time Sora was already with his body back, and Donald, Goofy and Pete traveled too. That was a proof time travel was possible in Kingdom Hearts series, but it was kind of forgotten despite that portal to Terra's armor in FM+. Anyways, it just seems to not follow the same conditions to time travel in DDD, also Young Xehanort took an arrow to the knee a bunch of nobodies with partial hearts inside to the future, and they were most bodies... Ideas?
  23. Sad, I hope this is really because they wish to put what is left to be explained in a final game for Xehanort's arc.
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