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Everything posted by Sora_Roxas26

  1. yeah, because i am paying for the mark of mastery edition, why would i settle for a free regular edition
  2. just a thought i had, and i forgot to check if people replied to this, i have semi memory problems because of chronic migraines
  3. I would love to win, i would keep the game in its original packaging, since i am paying for the Mark of Mastery edition, i would put it with my 13 Kingdom Hearts Posters.
  4. i would so buy it and then rebuy the mark of mastery edition and i would be so happy, i replay kingdom hearts games lts gunna getme real money for playing it
  5. they say this in Kingdom Hearts 2 Mickey Says HIS EYES COULDN'T LIE! that's the answer, stop over analyzing
  6. in the new GameInformer, he said he is thinking of an HD remake of Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, and a way to bring all the titles across the different systems to one system.
  7. My Playlist is my favorite cutscenes, and every boss battle and tournament of Kingdom Hearts, the Ending Battles and Cutscenes of Ven's Terra's and Aqua's Stories, and the Final Episode in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and i'm doing the same for Kingdom Hearts 2 as i did for Kingdom Hearts, i am about to start the Port Royal world, it's in progress, i upload each video of the boss fight right after i beat it, i also show how to get Keyblades that you don't get automatically for beating worlds, like the Spellbinder, Wishing Star, and Lady Luck Keyblades of Kingdom Hearts (I have the Ultima Weapon in Kingdom Hearts, but i didn't have my recorder when i got it, so i have to re synthesize it.), and the Victory Line, Sweet Stacks, and Ultima Weapon of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, Kingdom Hearts 2 Weapons are also in Progress , and i show the best Places and Ways to Level up Drive Forms. Here is the Link to the Playlist, i also have the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Trailer in the Playlist, if the link doesn't work let me know. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBBD0F6DE70DA4720&feature=mh_lolz
  8. I have never gotten to play online mission mode with anyone, so if you want to play and know how to set it up, reply to this because it sounds awesome, i also have birth by sleep and haven't played the mirage arena online either so if you want to play let me know
  9. Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 have to be your favorite if you are a real fan of Kingdom Hearts
  10. I just came up with this instantly came here, ok so in the next game that Sora uses drive forms, one of them should be Call Roxas Form or Key to Destiny Form, as in his cloths change to black, and he is obviously using 2 keyblades, the Oathkeeper and Oblivion, like he channels Roxas from within him, his moves are like super powerful like Valor form but he can only use the Oathkeeper and Oblivion keyblades for the drive form. Just a thought, let me know if you like it or not.
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