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Everything posted by Sora_Roxas26

  1. Nope, I'm about to get another game though, and I'm trying to decide between Splatoon 2 and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, never played either or the original splatoon. So I may have Splatoon 2 soon, I think next week is when I'm gonna get whichever game I decide on.
  2. If anybody has a Nintendo Switch and wants to be friends, my friend code is SW-4096-8007-2717, I have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, and Uno. If I get any friend request from anyone on here, I'll obviously accept it, or I can add you if that's easier.
  3. I'm a huge huge huge KH fan, but I don't really watch many Disney Movies, so I only recognized Syndrome from the Incredibles and Yzma from The Emporor's New Groove, I remember them both, Syndrome more so though, and I think that would be cool, I do recognize the Cyclops from Hercules and Shere Khan from the Jungle Book by name, but I barely remember both movies, it's be I figure at least a decade and a half since I've seen either, so not to surprising, but I think even if I knew them all, I'd still want Syndrome, I really like that character, but we will wait and see if any of them show up in KH3.
  4. Hey, I'm playing through Pokémon Moon, and I need someone to help me, I need to trade my Kadabra so he will evolve into Alakaza, can someone do me the favor of letting me trade my Kadabra to you, so it will evolve, and then trade it right back to me? Obviously if you have a Pokémon who needs to be traded to evolve too, I'd be more than happy to help you out in return, or if someone else needs the same thing I'd be happy to help them too. Please respond if you're willing to help me out and we'll exchange 3DS Friend Codes, thanks in advance.
  5. I got The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for PS4 for X-Mas, in the box is a code for The Elder Scrolls Online, which I don't play or want to play, so I thought that there was at least a chance that someone on here might want it. It's just a small in game item I think, it says it's a Dragon Warrior Costume and Yokudan Charger Mount. So if anybody wants it, just respond to the topic and I'll give it to whoever wants it and asks first, on the off chance that there's more than one person who wants it.
  6. I'm not able to pick just a single scene/moment, but here are some of my favorites, in no particular order: The first I can think of is the opening scene of KH Dream Drop Distance, the My Name is Ansem Scene, I love that part. https://youtu.be/4Fr7a2N3NgQ Another one is Riku completely outclassing Xion in KH 358 2 Days on the Bridge into the Beast's Castle. https://youtu.be/vY1hgkYW1os Another one is the scene/part when Axel goes to bring Xion back, and finds her at the gate to the Mansion in Twilight Town, and they argue, Axel is just so badass when he summons his Chakarams. https://youtu.be/uJA495w41Ks Another one is Riku vs Roxas at the end of KH 358 2 Days https://youtu.be/w4OR9zh5pBw When Axel puts his whole being into his attack on the Dusk's in the realm between. https://youtu.be/xWORKbyECt0 Sora VS Roxas https://youtu.be/ybq3doPftso
  7. Hey, that Goofy cutscene you linked is my video, cool.
  8. Hey, I was just wondering if anybody on here plays Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes regularly? If a lot of people do, perhaps we could make a KH13 Guild.
  9. If a man rapes a woman, he is scum, and he would be executed if it was up to me, but a man should get life without parole for raping a woman if not executed. If a woman rapes a man, she is scum, and she should get life without parole if not executed. The woman in the video sexually assaulted him, I don't think it was rape, but that being said, she should get at least 15 years in prison (more if she has a rap sheet) before she even has the possibility of being let out on parole, and she should be a low to low mid level sex offender on the registry.
  10. I never said religion should be outlawed, or is 100% bad, I said that it isn't a debate, Science is the only truth, it therefore would win the debate if you had one. Religion is good for people who don't twist it to fit there evil ways.
  11. I've never heard anybody say that religions are supposed to push people to become better, religions have been twisted and extorted so much that they have lost all their meaning in a lot of cases, ISIS and Al Khida use twisted Islam ideals as an excuse to murder people, crazy cult leaders use twisted Christian ideals to take peoples money, to control them, to sexually control them, and when they get caught, to kill them, Catholic priests use their power to molest kids who trusted them, and then the church defends them, in Christianity supposedly if you sin your going to hell, in yet it is literally impossible for even a priest to never commit a sin, but at the same time, you can commit countless sins, but if you ask for forgiveness it is all good. Religion is principle is good, but in practice it goes very wrong in a lot of cases, that's all I'm saying. And religious people who still disregard evolution, or still think god created the Earth, or that everything that happens is gods will just need to face the truth, evolution is fact, the big bang theory is most likely what created the universe, but even if it isn't the big bang theory, it wasn't any god, and not everything happens for a reason, if everything happens for a reason by gods will, then he/she is insane
  12. They are not saying that I'm going to hell for ME, they're saying it for themselves, and its not 50/50 chance. I never said Religion was a societal detriment, but it does become one when people take it too far, which is the minority, but still.
  13. Scientific theories can change, but facts don't change. But my only problem with religion is the people who take it way too far, like the Christians who respond with you are going to hell when I say I'm an Atheist and then they try like crazy to convert me, or people who believe in god so much, that when they get cancer, they don't get treatment because god will heal them if they pray, my Aunt died doing exactly that, it kinda left a bad taste in my mouth with religion.
  14. Well, science is all about the truth, and trying to understand the universe we live in. Religion is good for some people, it helps them deal with horrible world we live in. But science is the only truth in the argument.
  15. are you seeing things dude? I never said Aqua was stronger the Terra, or faster then Ven, I don't think anybody said that, and I never said Aqua would win most sports, I actually never said who I thought would win at any sport in any situation, all I said is that Aqua isn't without Strength
  16. you're talking like Aqua was all magic, she had strength too. Terra's LVL 1 Stats: 4 Strength, 4 Magic, 2 Defense Terra's LVL 99 Max Stats: 53 Strength, 48 Magic, 49 Defense Ventus' LVL 1 Stats: 3 Strength, 4 Magic, 3 Defense Ventus' LVL 99 Stats: 49 Strength, 50 Magic, 51 Defense Aqua's LVL 1 Stats: 3 Strength, 5 Magic, 2 Defense Aqua's LVL 99 Stats: 50 Strength, 51 Magic, 49 Defense So all 3 of them Started off pretty close and finished pretty close, all 3 of them had their Strength, Magic, and Defense stats at LVL 1 equal 10 when added together, and at LVL 99, when they're added together they equal 150 for all 3 of them.
  17. Hi everybody, I've been playing through Pokemon X, I have already beat Alpha Sapphire and captured most of the legendaries in the game. So I've had a cool couple of days, yesterday I got to the part with Xerneas and actually captured him with the first Ultra Ball I threw, then right after that I found a Shiny Graveler, my first shiny pokemon, but to get him to evolve I need to trade him and have someone trade him back, I was hoping someone here could help, please reply if you are willing to help.
  18. actually watch this clip, it is distinctly stated that Riku is immune to the Darkness by Young Xehanort http://kh13.com/videos/3d/eng-cut/141-your-abyss-awaits/
  19. I'm really sorry man, that sucks, talk to a friend IRL about it, they can help more since they know you, that doesn't mean this is a bad idea to do too, hope you're ok.
  20. I just said that because of the changes to the keyblades around it, the Divine Rose has +13 Strength & No MP Penalty, and in KH1 the Oathkeeper was what you used for using more magic until you you got the Ultima, and the Oblivion was what you used for more physical attacking ultil you got the Ultima, but it really isn't worth using anymore in KH1FM since if you want to use more Magic you use Oathkeeper & if you want to be more physical then you would want to use the Divine Rose because its +13 Strength while Oblivion is +11 and -1MP, and "A Heartless Nobody" is right, Oblivion's Critical Bonus got cut from +4 to +2 in KH1FM.
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