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Everything posted by I♥KH

  1. Happy Holidays everybody!

  2. Christmas bear is ready!

  3. Done with exams in this month, freeeeetime until january.

    1. Mystics Apprentice

      Mystics Apprentice

      Yay! I'm very happy to hear it. : ) I'm sure that must be such a relief off your shoulders.

    2. venxas24


      Nice! I have my last one Saturday and I know that'll be a major relief. Enjoy your free time

    3. I♥KH


      :D No more chinese history
  4. I have 2 exam in the next week, until it's done, I'm gonna be inactive. See ya later!

  5. ;_; I missed this shows premier
  6. I don't really suggest 1+2, but when you know enough the series, It's highly recommended. I could say both P3 Portable, or Persona 4/Golden. P3P is a really good game, and can be played anywhere, has a different PSP exclusive storyline, but the anime scenes are cutted. It's nearer to the new players taste. For the P4, It's only my second favorite despiteofteddie but has an amazing storyline, great secrets, and has probably better builded characters. If you want to play only one, I recommend either the Persona 3 movies, or the Persona 4 Animation. Both almost perfectly following the anime. Despite tht the P3 makes the MC a truly emo killedwannabe sociopath who slowly understand the peoples. I still love he.
  7. I love the first game. For the new- I WANT THIS GAME AND I WANT THIS NOW!
  8. Today I was at a Pokémoncon. It was great.

  9. ♥ it. I heard right, Cloud still voiced by Steve Burton? PLS be official.
  10. never played/liked that game. Let it happen, let it happeeeeen
  11. Hello there. aaaand weeeeeeeeeelcomeeee. We has cake. It is not a lie.
  12. I dunno if you prefer 3 or 4, but this ^
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