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Everything posted by rikufan25

  1. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" Mitch shouted, and both of them lunged out of the way, and landed on the ground.
  2. rumors are not pretty, especially at my school.

  3. "Unversed, funverse, smunverse." Mitch said as he dodged out of the way of the firagas. Eugene ducked low beneath Twilightdron's keyblade, and kicked him in the stomach.
  4. Mitch said, "Sorry, I'm not gonna die here." Then they both summoned their keyblades and said simutaneously, "This is the end for you." Eugene shot several firagas at Twilightdron.
  5. "Relics? What are relics?" Eugene asked. "We're not following." Mitch said.
  6. Eugene started to wake up at the barrene wasteland. "Where am I? I happened to me?" Eugene looked around and saw Mitch about 10 feet away from him standing up. "It's about time that you woke up." Mitch said. "Whatever." Eugene replied, "hey, what do you think happened to everyone else." "I don't know. Anyway, let's go find them." Mitch said. "Yeah," Eugene replied.
  7. Red said, "You don't think that I see that." Red jumped over the pit and said, "See I can manuever my way around here." He then went on ahead.
  8. "What, is that supposed to scare me cause I'm not budging." Red replied.
  9. (I got that error message too.) Red said, "I won't push people if you would all just get out of the way." Red then opened the door and walked inside.
  10. Red said, "I wonder where I am?" He looked around and saw multiple people talking in front of him, he noticed a few of them, but did not recognize the rest. Red walked forward, pushing everyone in his way out of the way as he headed inside. Meanwhile the man who had told him about receiving more power, was talking with another unknown man. "It is done, Red should be accepting the darkness, once he fully accepts it as the only way, he will join us." he said. "Now it's only a matter of time, and we will have a powerful ally on our side." the other one said. Then they both began to laugh loudly.
  11. I believe that there is a relatively small amount of water that you would get from eatinga rock, so yes.
  12. finally, I did it.

  13. 1. probably save before you fight him. 2. depends on what your level is and what you feel like accomplishing first. 3. use balloonga and balloonara to beat him.
  14. Not much will happen if you eat only a little bit. But if you take in huge amounts, it can be detrimental to your health. And it'll cause your teeth to decay.
  15. Well obvious, you would break all of your teeth. 70% is the water in the world. Some facts have been proven by science, or by just plain logic.
  16. FACT: Water is very important for your body to function properly. FACT: Your body is composed of 30% water. FACT: Everything you eat has water to some degree.
  17. (Just to let you guys know, I'll be getting off earlier today than I normally do. I've got a buttload of work to do. I never thought being a 11th grader was this tough, anyway) Red looked at his hand. "I feel so much power." Red then all of a sudden felt a slight headache, he put his hand towards his head and said, "gene......Eugene, Eugene, Eugene, he was my close friend when I was younger, then one day he disappeared, how could I forget his name. I wonder what he's up to."
  18. Kingdom Hearts Reconnect is put at the very end of every kingdom hearts game. All that it means is stay tuned for the next kingdom hearts game. So SE is going to call it kh3.
  19. Yo cansado. Necesito dormir despues de hacer mi tarea para escuela.
  20. "If you really wish to have alot of power, you must accept the darkness." The mysterious man said to Red. "Woah." Red said as a keyblade appeared in his hand, "What is this?" "That is a keyblade that you are holding. It has chosen you, Red." Darkness had then surrounded Red, and he said, "I feel so much power." "This power is yours to keep. I believe that in time, you'll become very powerful. Use it wisely." The mysterious man then opened a corridor of darkness, and went through it. "Wait." Red said, but it was too late, the corridor disappeared and left Red by himself.
  21. Congrats man. You're next goal is 1000 likes, I'm faaarrrr from that anyway.
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