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Everything posted by rikufan25

  1. I might still have the patience, but most likely, if I were to start to beat it again right now, I'd just bookmark the walkthrough, and look at it every step of the way.
  2. When I played the first game, it was when I had first started to play videogames, so it was hard for me. I remember telling myself that I wasn't going to look online for help, that I was going to beat it by myself.
  3. Eugene was on the ground huffing and puffing, after a minute, he got up off the ground slowly and said, "Did I get him?"
  4. Well, yeah. The first one wasn't as tough as the second, but it still was tough that would make it like a toy truck.
  5. Eugene landed on the ground and shouted to Shadow, "I'M DONE WITH YOU!!!!" Eugene held both his keyblades together and they fused together, and started to charge up an attack. "TAKE THIS, FIRATHUNDAGA!!!!! (That's when fire and lightning mix together for a powerful attack). The attack shot out the keyblade, and the recoil knocked him off of his feet. The attack went at lightning speed toward Shadow.
  6. Eugene felt pain in his neck, but he still kept fighting. Eugene had then decided to jump back and while he was still in the air, he did a thundaga and a firaga at Shadow.
  7. (Mitch) "Right behind you." Mitch said as he slashed at the demigods that got too close to him with his scythe. (Eugene) Eugene drew his sword and charged at a group of demigods. "Man, how many of them are here."
  8. Eugene asked Shadow, "Hey, is this all that you've got?" as they were clashing.
  9. I like games that have a good challenge. That's one reason why I like Legend of Zelda games so much. It was pretty hard for me to beat the dungeons though, but it was worth it. That's the main reason why I didn't like Skyward Sword, it wasn't that big of a challenge for me to beat it, and also Fi was annoying.
  10. Calm down, Shana can't do anything.
  11. "Mimiko, where's Jan?" Mitch whispered. Eugene replied, "I guess that we go find some stairs, oh wait." Eugene said as he looks over to the right. "There's a staircase leading up, let's go." Eugene said as he walked over to the staircase.
  12. "Well, then it's time for me to get serious as well." Eugene said as his armor appeared. (the armor that he used when fighting Espanol)
  13. Eugene also ran with Luke, and instead of looking after Travis, Eugene stood inbetween Travis and Shadow.
  14. "You're right, let's give it a shot." Eugene replied.
  15. "Okay, so what are you going to do with him." Eugene asked Shadow.
  16. "Hey, I can fly also." Mitch said as he turned into a phoenix and flew after Gensou. "What do you mean?" Eugene asked Lucan.
  17. "OMG, what the crap going on." Eugene said as he saw the darkness.
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