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Everything posted by rikufan25

  1. "Alright, let's go." Eugene said as he ran towards Kye.
  2. Eugene and the werewolves kept fighting the demigods, but when Apollo came and killed all of his comrades, Eugene said to him, "Weren't they all your comrades, why did you kill them all?"
  3. I say that it should be legalized as long as it is ONLY if it is prescribed by a doctor. Marijuana has side effects that are harmful if they become abused. And I've got no idea what hemp is.
  4. Well, Ichigo wasn't ALWAYS depressed, it was just during that one arc with his hollow that he was depressed. And I have to agree, Kubo needs to do some character development with Ichigo.
  5. I just read it, and I'm gonna admit that they're pretty biased about it.
  6. "Alright, we seriously need to work together as a team, otherwise we won't damage him, let alone get near him." Eugene said.
  7. "Yep, it's time for payback." Eugene said as he cracked his knuckles.
  8. Thanks, I will try to find it there. I'll try to find the thread about that also. Thanks for the link, I'll look at it.
  9. I've never seen X-Play, but if they're being biased, then that's wrong, especially if they're supposed to be gaming journalist, I don't know if they're journalists or not.
  10. Just cause we like KH doesn't mean that everyone else will agree and like KH. It's all apart of life buddy.
  11. "You almost gave into the darkness." Eugene said to Luke.
  12. "I don't notice anything suspicious about him." Eugene said to Jacob.
  13. Reviews popping up everwhere now. Great job, SE for making such a great game, for that you get a cookie!!!
  14. "Well, I plan on stopping whatever it is you're planning." Eugene said.
  15. "I think that I understand now." Eugene replied.
  16. Well, the drop gauge is automatically counting down, but if we're watching a cutscene, the drop gauge doesn't count down. And you can maually drop if you like say complete a world with one character, so you can go to the world with the other character.
  17. "Yeah, what'd you do to the moon to make it change colors?" Eugene asked.
  18. I'm bored. Anyone want to chat?

    1. khLOVER358/2


      i will cause im boerd to !.

  19. Eugene stared in awe at what was happening with Kye.
  20. Welcome and enjoy your stay.
  21. "The way that you are trying to save it is wrong, just give it up Kye, you're finished." Eugene replied.
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