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Everything posted by xXVentusfanXx

  1. not gonna lie i was thinking of persona jack frost but anyway i like it (:
  2. Havent been on here in a while....i see its still the same good lol

  3. zelda ocarina of time is by far my favorite zelda its part of my childhood after all oh and Majoras mask is the only one in the series i really just cant stand
  4. Well re:coded was just a remake of a some lame mobile phone game so i wouldnt really expect much story wise but gameplay wise i'd say it went pretty great sure it gets tedious and tiring but not as much as 358/2 days gets when its just "press A to win"
  5. funny how kh HD and disgaea dimensions 2 come out in the same month

  6. grandma ><

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VanitasisKirby


      Add me on Skype if you want :3

    3. xXVentusfanXx


      oooo grandma has skype?? :D

    4. VanitasisKirby


      Yep! :D Grandpa should PM Grandma his Skype username. ;3

  7. getting a ps3 for myself this christma Forget the wii u its just a POS right now

  8. getting a ps3 for myself this christma Forget the wii u its just a POS right now

  9. yea i own generations its just i dont like sonics fanbase and most of his games soooo...yea
  10. this almost makes me wanna be a sonic fan again lol
  11. i now consider myself to be the king of disgaea

  12. getting a ps3 for christmas so i can play disgaea 4 and disgaea dimensions 2 once it gets released
  13. I want the ps3 so i can have one for myself so i can get disgaea 4 and disgaea dimensions 2 and of course the HD remix (:
  14. Thats what made COM/Re:COM what they are taking out the cards means another button masher with long tedious levels :L
  15. my psvita keeps resetting itself but it doesnt delete all my stuff (i.e. game data music etc..) no wonder why ppl bow down to nintendo >.>

  16. 358/2 days - roxas and xion Re:COM - Namine those are the games that were basically dedicated to them if that isnt enough screen time i dont know what is
  17. having a whole game dedicated to them isnt enough?? and not all final mixes are great khfm is not really what most ppl put it out to be and bbsfm is just.....no why was it even created...
  18. grandma!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. VanitasisKirby


      I don't seem fine Dx


      Eheheheheh... He learns from his mother :P But all babies are lazy, right?? *rubs belly*

    3. xXVentusfanXx


      ppl dont think your crazy do they?? o3o very true but what if he gets overweight? D:

    4. VanitasisKirby


      O.O IRL, just a little. No one here has called me crazy, though.


      Our widdle Ven is already overweight xD Let's take him to the park~

  19. i wish i can have some beer bread but it gets you fat :/

  20. im not out right saying i hate nomura i just find his decisions mentally challenged since you have to admit his decisions over the past 10 years have been questionable
  21. Kh2 is remade since it would be messed up if it wasnt lol but serioulsy im starting to respect nomura since we're finally getting a console kh game no more handhelds son. (:
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