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Everything posted by blinxhero

  1. heres mine. 2750-1635-4962. tell me if you add me
  2. theres a thread for it? i'll have a look. and yes Blinx is awesome! there are a lot of threads, which one is the "official" one, if there is one
  3. Because I'm bored, and I need/want 3DS friends/Pkmn White friends. Check my signature for details and comment urs.
  4. im only getting it because its cheaper than i thought and kh3d supports it. but its still a maybe
  5. dumb ass cat tried to eat my kh re:coded and ocarina of time 3d cartridges last night

    1. Xiala920


      lol I never thought cats love eating plastic o.O

    2. LightningXIII
    3. KeyBladeMaster01


      Kill him! So he would never try to do this again...

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  7. Wait, the whole game? That would take up way too much space on an SD card.
  8. I knew that, i just wanted to get them the easy way.
  9. Well f*ck the 3DS and its f*king region lock.
  10. So yeeaahh. Question, If I were to print a copy of an AR card that didn't come out for the region my game supports, for example, the Mark of Mastery AR Cards, Frootz Cat and Kab Cannon, and use them on my, say, PAL copy, would they work? I also have a feeling that this question cannot be answered as of now, meh, I have patience. Also out of the AR Card that gives one out of three, which one did you get, and what does it specialize in?
  11. I'll probably blow off all 15 in a day.
  12. Even though I've already preordered it, I'd still download it to pass time, also, if you re-download it, will the play count stick, or will it (hopefully) refresh back to 15?
  13. Walk up to random people and yell "FUS RO DAH" ...wait, wrong game, n..nevermind
  14. load speed is WAY too slow for me, ill wait for the youtube vid.
  15. HA! The X and O buttons are reversed in Final Mix.
  16. Due to limited resources on KH3D info (at least for me) and just plain interest, I've decided to ask anyone who has this info from playing the Japanese version of the game. I don't mind spoilers that much, but for anyone reading, there may or may not be spoilers below (that is if anyone replies). My questions are the following: 1. What are Sora and Riku's final stats at Lv.99 and also the max HP for both? 2. How long does a full Drop Gauge last? And is there any way to replenish it? 3. Personally do you prefer Ultima Weapon or Overdrive? 4. How long does the average player take to complete the game? 5. Is it difficult to level all the way up to 99? 6. Is the game itself harder that other KH titles? If so, what difficulty would you recommend be used first? (Personally, I am going to do Proud first. But that opinion may change.) 7. What are the Trophies that are in this game? 8. Who do you prefer to play as, Sora or Riku? 9. Errr. Oh yes, What are your favourite Dream Eaters? 10. How are they obtained? I was going to ask 13 questions, but I couldn't come up with any more. So, yeah, thank you in advance.
  17. What I'm hoping for is an Aus demo. Nevertheless, a NA demo almost certainly means a PAL demo.
  18. I hope they release a European/Australian/North American demo on the eShop.
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