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Everything posted by blinxhero

  1. but, but, but, DAYS SUCKED!!! (In my opinion) EDIT: Someone gave it 40? What a twat! Some people just want to see the world burn.
  3. At the end of the system version, there will be a letter If it is E, its European/PAL, if it's U, its American/NTSC. For example my firmware version is Ver. 4.2.0-9E, therefore mine is European/PAL. yes
  4. What is available in the eShop differs between regions. To check the system version, go to the home screen and open "System Settings." Then look at the top screen—the system version will be in the lower right.
  5. There is only regional lockout for Nintendo 3DS, DSi-Ware, and Nintendo DSi-enhanced software between Japan, America and Europe/Australia, DS games are unaffected and will play as normal.
  6. Hmm, i guess the better question to have asked was, which month did the gameinformer mag come out?
  7. Must. Buy. Gameinformer. What game is on the front page?
  8. Do a Lets Play! I want to at least know the English name of Skull Noise.
  9. 8.5 is a good score. It's got a better score than most KH Games. 0.5 points lower than KHI 0.1 points higher than Re:COM 0.5 points higher than COM, Days and Re:coded. 0.9 points higher than KHII. Same as BBS Wait... That means KHII was the lowest rated! That's bullsh**! That one was probably the best! (according to me at least.)
  10. Oh I've been waiting for a topic like this. I'd like to see what FFXII-2 got. DLC Costumes, Dream Eaters, Boss Battles and Keyblades.
  11. the game center app for iphone. its like psn for iphone, you add friends, show off achievements and invite others to play with you.
  12. Because there doesn't seem to be a topic for this, I've taken the liberty of making one. Mine is zakmuller7
  13. My PSN ID is.............. drum solo please............. blinxhero.I probably won't add anyone for a while since I packed away my PS3 because my brother decided that he wanted complete control of it. But its always nice to set it up and realise I have a handful of friend requests.
  14. Soo, yeah what is their purpose? If you are wondering what I mean by "Special Dream Eater", they're the Dream Eaters which seem to have negative colours, like this:
  15. I have the iOS version and I could not put it down. But I barely play it anymore because I managed to achieve a perfect file. But it was AWESOME!
  16. Wait, so Japan didn't get an instruction manual? Hmm, I wonder what the reason was.
  17. VERY............ ANXIOUS........... CANNOT........ WAIT!!!!!!!!
  18. ???? hmm some of the posts got deleted... i wish i knew which ones so i could know what i did wrong
  19. The money I got which I used to buy myself a 3DS. Best choice evar!
  20. In KH1, I picked the Staff for that extra 2 MP and gave up the Sword so my defense wasn't too low. In KH2, I picked the Shield. These were both on the hardest difficulty.
  21. I've got to get myself a Circle Pad Pro, and what I wouldn't do to get it early
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