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Everything posted by blinxhero

  1. All good on my end. And I've never tried steak fries before.
  2. I'll start with a general question: Hey, how's it going? And for my other question: Would you like fries with that?
  3. I'm gonna be that one jerk that revives the whole thread. Sorry!Loose Change - Royal Blood
  4. Well since YouTube is for videos, not books/pictures, I'd use a site that focuses on books/pictures, like mangareader.com or photobucket.
  5. The closest to a movie we're gonna get is probably those YouTube videos that showcase all the cutscenes.
  6. Sorry about my apparent "Abusive" (coughexagerationmuch?cough) behaviour.
  7. It got higher than FFVII. I'm actually surprised that FFX isn't up there in at LEAST the top 5.
  8. I hope the Vita version isn't just a digital download version.
  9. I'm considering Chrono Cross. That is, only if I can create another account on my Vita to access the American store.
  10. So I got a PS Vita two weeks ago, and as a hardcore RPG lover, I instantly picked up Persona 4 Golden. However, I can't really find any other decent RPGs (then again, I've only been looking at physical copies. Australia doesn't really have a great range of em.) So besides Persona 3, Disgaea 3 and Atelier Totori, are there any good RPGs on the PS Store? (I already have all the PSone Final Fantasys.)
  11. Either KHII because of the smooth gameplay, or KH3D because of Flowmotion.
  12. I believe so, since I'd be much more excited for HD Final Mixes of KHBBS and KHII, than a HD Final Mix of KHI and HD KHRe:COM and I highly doubt I'm alone on this opinion.
  13. Looking back on this and feeling proud. (Pun not intended.)
  14. Okay either this computer is an utter piece of crap, or the quote/editing code sucks, but I'm strongly aiming for the former. Is that a NEEDLESS sig banner?
  15. KH: Expert KHD: Proud KHII: ProudKHRc: Crtitcal KH3D: Critical Don't have BBS or COM.
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