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Everything posted by KissyFace

  1. That uh, doesn't make sense for this game. And no Pit in this game? :<
  2. @Uncle Dolan: Yeah, the 3DS's touchscreen elements would indeed be nearly impossible for the PSP to replicate, or very difficult most likely. Just based on this, the PSP is scrapped. @Gumi: Any particular, logical reason why? @Oishii >PSP >More expensive than 3DS >Wat. @ MAtgs: Very good to know. Though assuming it'd actually be able to work on PSP, it'd have to be PSN exclusive, which Disney probably wouldn't approve of for whatever reasons. @Rob Thank you for your informative and useful post.
  3. While I myself have a 3DS, I have some friends who do not, and who want to play the game. Since I (and many of you, likely) live with, and get a lot of financial support from your parents, can get your hands on a 3DS, many simply cannot afford it. Why would SE release a game for one, new, somewhat expensive system (though the huge price drop was nice)? I mean, it being on handhelds is one thing, but I think this should be released for PSP (and Vita by default) like how CoM, an originally Nintendo game, was released for a Playstation console.
  4. So many complaints from Sora's VA. It sounds fine. Everyone is overreacting just because it sounds slightly -slightly- different before. Both voices are fine.
  5. Wasn't detailed enough, ad gave praise mostly without reason.
  6. You could almost tell that there was no actual trailer or announcement by his lack of capitalization.
  7. Uhh, Uhh, PSN doesn't record your online record. Your friend cards do. The record I am talking about also refers to actual, human players.
  8. I am more than well aware that is is basically on the scale of a numbered title, but in the end, it is not.
  9. >Birth By Sleep >Got Final Mix >Not numbered title
  10. $200,000? Yep, you got ripped off, big time.
  11. Her boobs are pretty much perfect, maybe just a bit bigger and they'd be perfect.
  12. You're gonna be overseas? Get DDD. Something to do during boring travels. Your parents may be more than happy to buy you clothes. I'd choose a video game I want over new clothes I don't particularly need any day.
  13. He got a haircut for the same reason as anyone else. Just a change in appearance. He kept it fairly short before, and he hadn't had the chance for a haircut until now due to working with DiZ and King Mickey. Just a thought. Maybe there isn't any real explanation.
  14. I doubt levels actually affect any of the story. It's probably to just keep it like an RPG game.
  15. I see. So Nomura confirmed it. While I pretty well believe you, do you happen to know the source?
  16. I am well aware that they are only young in the World of Sleep, however, I would like to know why. And I doubt that they really had to re-learn how to use the Keyblade.
  17. Why are Sora and Riku young in DDD? Personally, I don't mind it, though I'm interested in the reason.
  18. Somehow I doubt it. He was just stating that he knows people here can be inexperienced, so he'll take it with a grain of salt. But if you were...sorry, ehehe.
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