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  1. This guy has almost every scene translated: good quality and great translations.
  2. The thing that we have to remember however is that Disney is actually very dark at times and concerns some very in depth themes, so I think if anything, Nomura is holding Disney back. Also, Xehanort redeeming himself doesn't sound in character at all because he does not believe that what he is doing is wrong at all. Xehanort at this points deserves to be defeated for good because he has been built up as such a great villain who will not compromise his ideals for anything. The man truly believes that what he is doing is good.
  3. We now have the basic layout for how the story of KHIII will play out; Master Xehanort leads a new Organization XIII to eliminate the Princesses of Heart and clash with seven Keyblade Wielders to recreate the X-Blade, form Kingdom Hearts, and incite another War. While this sounds very epic, there is also a lot of potential for the story to be more on the corny side. From past games, I know that the series is very capable of both. The idea of seven keyblade wielders, Kairi among them, could be very epic, but it also seems slightly corny to have them all fight together with Yen Sid leading them; Power Ranger and Zoron esq even. Now, people have grown with this series and have matured a great deal. I would say the same has occurred with this series as the more recent games have taken some more dark turns such as Eraque's death and the complex nature of Xehanort's character. However, does anyone have any concerns that this game could turn out very corny? In my opinion, having a Keyblade War and Sora working alone for most of the series would be the best way to end this series. At the most dire moment throughout the worlds, the seven lights fail to stop Xehanort, but Sora stands alone to face Xehanort and defeats him once and for all; becoming the best Kayblade Master of them all. Nomura might make it a little more "restrained" for lack of a better term. He should just know that the audience that started with KHI (and the best people to actually understand the amazingly complex story) are over a decade older and know the more dark nature of life, so he should not be afraid to personify that in KHIII. I'm not talking about mutilation of anything, but just make it more dark and epic than the previous games.
  4. I can understand this perfectly; regardless if the game is good or not, it's a little ridiculous to keep on purchasing all these systems to play the series. The fact that this is not KHIII is also probably a factor because, lets face it, that's the one people want the most because it's the conclusion to the series thus far. The thing that I got from this article is annoyance, not at the sales drop, but at the fact that KH does better in the West, yet we don't get all the exclusive content Japan gets. It's dumb enough that Nomura releases a final mix of every single game when he could just put in the content to begin with, but coupled with the fact that he doesn't even release them in regions where he makes the most profit from just makes the whole concept of final mixes rather pointless and more of a money grubbing scheme than ever.,
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