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Everything posted by Bosh104

  1. Knowing Nomura, it's completely possible they are related. The Hunter of the Dark's eyes may not literally be red, but Anti-Black's similar eyes could purposefully be a connection, along with purple designs on the ends of his coat... Like someone said earlier, you never can be certain when brainstorming the future of kingdom hearts
  2. I doubt it, the localization time is too small, i dont think they have time to come up with anything new for us
  3. I personally think Re:COM can stand as a final mix to the original... But since the japanese and US versions of 3D are only 3 months apart, i doubt we will get any new content. I can't rule out the possibility of a final mix for them, though.
  4. I would like another secret boss, thought I'm kind of tired of "remnants"... But the biggest reason I'd want another for the US release is because i hate the two we already have, Julius and the Frog Prince. Couldn't they have picked better people?
  5. That would be an awesome idea, considering Crisis Core's like the only game Genesis has been really featured in.
  6. The only one I disagree with is Axel/Lea. You can't replace Quinton Flynn, you just can't!!
  7. I think him and Xemnas are the only ones who look different from their human forms, Saix looks like he has Xehanort and a scar he got as a human, everyone else looks the same.. oh well
  8. But why did the reverse tears mean he was a Nobody? When he became a Nobody, did they suddenly appear or something?... I've been curious about them since I saw Lea in BbS didn't have them.
  9. i wouldnt mind kh3 having only slightly better graphics on the ps3 than kh3d, if it meant waaaaay more story and equipment, and an awesome fighting engine. my fear is that, like most ps3 games now, they will focus too much on the graphics, and sacrifice game value.
  10. I'm more than certain their eyes are orange unless my eyes have deceived me all these years...
  11. i meant in a hypothetical sense, you know? At the time that's how i imagined it.
  12. I honestly thought when Yen Sid said "not a single one of him," it only meant Master Xehanort, Xemnas, and Ansem SOD; i also thought they would go against Master Mickey, Master Riku and Master Sora... but obviously, i had it twisted.
  13. That seemed more like because she gave up hope and chose not to draw Eraqus' keyblade and fight, not that she lost the Keyblade
  14. Well Xemnas and Ansem SOD have orange eyes..
  15. Doesn't Aqua have Master Eraqus' keyblade?
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