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Everything posted by Bosh104

  1. Good choice, never thought about Destiny Islands, maybe that's why we havent been able to go there since the 1st game?
  2. That was honestly badass lmao
  3. It would be an interesting choice to kill off Lea. It probably won't happen, and I do like the character, but I love plot-twists and surprises that help the story, and make sense, way more.
  4. For Kingdom Hearts, I honestly wouldn't like the Versus XIII engine... at least from how it looks in the trailer.
  5. It's been confirmed, even on Christopher Lee's own website
  6. I hate going through Disney worlds, but in the end its for the best that they're there. I would be fine if they got rid of TWEWY, but I miss the Final Fantasy characters.
  7. If Lea is a playable character in KH3, id enjoy having his fighting style having his keyblade in one hand, and a chakram in the other for throwing, reminiscent of Sora's Master Form.
  8. I dont want them to replace Leonard Nimoy. His voice is one of a kind, no replacement will satisfy me.
  9. Nomura really made a bad decision with the time travel, its going to confuse more people than make them understand the plot
  10. I think Eraqus is still important to the story, i mean why else would Master Xehanort point out that his heart is in Terra's? That's plot material right there. If it's still there somewhere, i doubt nomura will just let it rot there forever
  11. I think Ienzo grew up before becoming a nobody, and Lea probably got the black coat from his "plan" with Isa in Birth by Sleep
  12. Him having his abilities taken away, an being locked away in some dungeon forever, sounds too much like the ending of Avatar: The Last Airbender (Ozai has his bending powers taken away and is locked away in some dungeon, presumably forever)
  13. well in the promotional image of final form, sora's using the oathkeeper and oblivion
  14. i thought final form represented that
  15. If he was holding one, and had 2 seperate ones floating around him, and he used all 3 to attack, he used 3 keyblades! and roxas is the 1st ever human to get slapped on by THREE keyblades from one person!!
  16. Whether two were the same, he still did use 3 at a time. Lol even if 2 were twins
  17. This probably isn't story-related, but in KH2FM, when sora fought roxas in the Dive into the Heart, he was able to steal roxas' keyblades, so he technically was able to use 3 keyblades...
  18. But i never understood that: how is it necessary to "cast off the flesh" to time travel, yet YMX like totally has flesh on?
  19. I'm fine with the way the graphics are, you know, like cartoony? Retains the Disney feel of the game, at least to me lol.. I want Dissidia with FF13 graphics http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png
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