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Everything posted by Bosh104

  1. Yeah I do to I lost my copy a long time ago, and a couple years ago I let my friend borrow my psp and bbs, and he pretty much never gave em back Oh yeah the one with Aqua in the Realm of Darkness? I forgot all about that!!
  2. I think i would get extremely angry haha
  3. You know how supposedly KH3 is the last title in the Xehanort Saga? What would reaction be if it had a secret movie hinting at another title haha?
  4. Haha but its all in good fun :] i wonder what trophies KH3 will have?
  5. That's gonna be hella fun! Do you get Limit Form in time for that fight in the game?? I want to see what they mean when they say "we're fixing up the graphics even more than in 1.5"
  6. I think in some way or another maybe all of us gamers have become OCD haha
  7. I've never really been one to obsess about Platinum trophies, I mean these days you need to be good at playing online just to get them, and I hate playing online haha
  8. Yeah true, but I guess that's why in my opinion they've been keeping a good balance with the endings, you know? They're basically laying out the story the way it has to
  9. When I finally get my hands on it, I'm afraid I may not leave the house for days haha I was so happy to be able to fight Xemnas in Final Mix after 11 years, I've been waiting on Lingering Will for 6 years, I'm ready >:] Yeah Re:Coded will probably be the last title I mess with haha
  10. What a bunch of chumps haha jkEhh I'll be ok :] I'd rather have full-quality versions, even if it takes time I know exactly what you mean, I tried in the PS2 version to get all cards, after maybe 3 weeks I rage-quit
  11. I did enjoy it a lot, only reason I prefer other endings is because with Birth by Sleep and 358/2 Days endings, we already know what happens after. I like the suspense of not knowing, so I can be surprised with the next title! "Fool"? ._.Yeah well every release has been doing good improvements on Keyblade abilities, ehh I'm fine without seeing accessories (can't make it TOO realistic), and as long as their behaviors are revamped, I'd be fine with just them
  12. OHHHHHH yeah, I feel like you need to have played the handheld version to actually get what happened. You'd think Square-Enix would come up with something better, huh?Are those files that were ripped from the game?
  13. You haven't seen it?! I hope they add a lot more to the story of Re:Coded, as a die-hard KH fan, I just couldn't see the importance of the game I mean, I understand how it relates, it just didn't seem significant until the secret endingI seriously hope the make the Mirage Arena better!
  14. That too!! What do they expect from us gamers, sheesh! Haha Loved the music, I wish they'd release it all on a soundtrack!Which cutscene?
  15. You don't like how the other games ended? Oh yeah I'd love to see more Drive Forms, and I can honestly say I'm the only person I've heard say that I'd like more original worlds, non-Disney hahaThe KH2 Gummi Ship system actually wasn't all that bad, if they can improve on it, it'd be awesome I prefer a good balance of story and content, because too much story and the content is at a minimum, too much content and the story sucks
  16. What are you guys most excited for in the new compilation? Personally, I just CAN'T WAIT to wipe the floor with ALL Org. XIII members, Lingering Will, Armor of the Master, AND No Heart! IN HD!!
  17. What did you guys like or dislike about the titles in the HD 1.5 Remix?Final Mix-Liked triangle reaction button, better graphics -Disliked the new condition for certain aspects, like it being much harder to get the Ultima WeaponRe: Chain of Memories-Liked the opportunity to fight CO Org. XIII in full 3D-Hate, Hate, HATE when you defeat the Heartless and the Experience orbs just fly away and sometimes disappear, what was the point of that? 358/2 Days-Liked sitting back and watching KH, and getting a deeper insight in the Organization's workings-Not as much movies as I thought (reading the texts inbetween makes it seem longer), unplayable
  18. What reasonable things would you guys like to see, or NOT see, in KH3? Personally I'd like to see the option to change clothing when you want, or KH1/KH2 skins.What I DON'T want to see is too many quick-time events (keep the triangle reaction, avoid the rest), where all the action happens but you can't pay attention because you're on the lookout for buttons, and you have no control over the action itself.Thoughts?
  19. All i need is this, and a kh 2.5 hd remix or watever including kh2fm, bbsfm, re:coded theater mode, and kh3d... and my wishes will all come true
  20. Is it realistic to think that Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released on the PS3? I mean it seems like next-gen consoles will arrive soon, the KH team is still working on Versus XIII, and major KH titles take about 4-5 years... I just wanted to see what anyone else thinks, I believe development on KH3 will be moved over to next-gen consoles.
  21. I think CoM is very important to the plot, but... Coded? How is Coded important...
  22. I like this. An optional, playable flashback with new characters that were actually part of the Keyblade War. But if this happened, Nomura would be an epic troll and include a character that will make us go "WTF ONAMGUINVFIUANR HOW THE HELL WAS HE/SHE IN THE KEYBLADE WAR?!?!" then the speculation begins. This is inevitable.
  23. Apparently some people dont understand the concept of "either, or"
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