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  1. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Weedanort in Everyone, I have a confession to make...   
    how can I be joshin when I'm already Jim? 
  2. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Shulk in Everyone, I have a confession to make...   
    how can I be joshin when I'm already Jim? 
  3. Like
    Jim got a reaction from The Transcendent Key in Everyone, I have a confession to make...   
    I'm not actually a bandicoot
  4. Like
    Jim got a reaction from AwesomeKHfan in MF is an idiot ....   
    Yeah, MF must be a pretty big idiot if he does stuff like that...
  5. Like
    Jim got a reaction from keyofdestiny in Everyone, I have a confession to make...   
    I'm not actually a bandicoot
  6. Like
    Jim got a reaction from King_Graham in MF is an idiot ....   
    Yeah, MF must be a pretty big idiot if he does stuff like that...
  7. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Hero of Light XIV in Can people please just stop hating on FFVII so much?   
    People on both sides of that coin annoy me too.
    On one hand, I don't like the ones who act like FF7 is the greatest thing since sliced Chocobread, and are constantly demanding a re-release on unrelated FF posts. It's especially annoying when they say that every FF since 7 was crap, which is not even remotely true. And as terrible as Square's screw-up was, it was a hilarious middle finger to those people. 
    On the other hand (and this applies to any game that is considered amazing, not just FF7), I hate the people who just play the "overrated" card and don't shut up about it. Like it's one thing to offer a legitimate explanation for why they don't like the game and what its flaws are, but to just hate on a popular game because it's popular, that's annoying. 
    Also, I quite like FF7. I think it's a very good game. 
  8. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Shulk in 77 Reasons Why FFVII is Literally the Worst Game Ever Made   
    Um no, SHREK is love, SHREK is life. Do not disrespect the Supreme Ogrelord.
    ikr! And knowing hatok, it would definitely be good
    Come on. 
  9. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Dio Brando in Can people please just stop hating on FFVII so much?   
    People on both sides of that coin annoy me too.
    On one hand, I don't like the ones who act like FF7 is the greatest thing since sliced Chocobread, and are constantly demanding a re-release on unrelated FF posts. It's especially annoying when they say that every FF since 7 was crap, which is not even remotely true. And as terrible as Square's screw-up was, it was a hilarious middle finger to those people. 
    On the other hand (and this applies to any game that is considered amazing, not just FF7), I hate the people who just play the "overrated" card and don't shut up about it. Like it's one thing to offer a legitimate explanation for why they don't like the game and what its flaws are, but to just hate on a popular game because it's popular, that's annoying. 
    Also, I quite like FF7. I think it's a very good game. 
  10. Like
    Jim reacted to hatok in 77 Reasons Why FFVII is Literally the Worst Game Ever Made   
    so what you're saying is I should make more lists
  11. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Weedanort in Reggie Fils-Aime Amiibo coming soon   
    10/10 would declare that my body is ready for this item
  12. Like
    Jim reacted to Dio Brando in Can people please just stop hating on FFVII so much?   
    I never hated Final Fantasy VII heck I gave it a pretty high score when I reviewed it early this year
    I just hate the people that obsess over it and ruin the experience for everyone
  13. Like
    Jim reacted to Demyx. in Can people please just stop hating on FFVII so much?   
    All I care is that ff9 is the best. But I don't even know why I am here.  .-.
    Like the great Macho Man said "What it is. Is what it is."
  14. Like
    Jim reacted to Dracozombie in Can people please just stop hating on FFVII so much?   
    I love FFVI and FFVII but people like us seem to be in the minority. Generally people enjoy one over the other because VII was either their first Final Fantasy (or RPG, period), or the first shift in the franchise's direction that certain peeeople out there don't appreciate. If I remember my gaming history, Final Fantasy and RPGs didn't really get popular in the West until VII came out. Part of its massive popularity is both in part to it being a legitimately good game (to me, though lots of people agree), and because it's something a lot of gamers hadn't seen before.
    That being said, you'll probably find a lot of people these days whining about FFVII because, c'mon, it's over a decade old now. It's a classic by game standards, but unlike a lot of classics it hasn't aged well in a lot of ways. Obviously the graphics were primitive, or at least the sprites were -- even when it first came out I thought they looked like Legos. There's also a lot of conventions that were revolutionary for its time, like the angsty protagonist (even though Cloud actually wasn't all that angsty until the Compilation, and that Cecil and Kain from IV before it angsted it up pretty well themselves). It's just that they've seen so much use that in modern day, gamers sort of take them for granted. FFVII hasn't done anything that this generation of gamers probably hadn't seen before. When you show them VII and tell them what an awesome masterpiece this is, chances are they'll give you a funny look.
    Of course, the VI vs VII debate still drives me nuts. It's like comparing apples and oranges. They're both delicious fruit and I like them both in their own ways. At the same time, the 90's really are over. FFVII is past its prime, and given its reputation it's pretty much open season. Though, it doesn't explain why they don't do the same to VI, given that it's even older an probably regarded as an even bigger classic. Think trashing FFVII gets you flamed? Try doing the same to VI. You might as well throw yourself into the incinerator.
    And, as I've said before and will say again, "overrated" is a meaningless term for me. You might as well call everything that's popular overrated because you'll always find a number of people bitching that so many people enjoy what they dislike.
  15. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Cucco in Some FFXV thoughts- Stella, Luna, and Titan   
    I guess this is my Random thought/theory dump for FFXV.
    So when I first saw the e3 2013 Trailer, and I saw a child Noctis running hand-in-hand with a blond girl, my first thought was: "Well then, what about that scene that they showed way back when where Stella meets Noctis at that party?" I liked that scene, and the thought of them having known each other since childhood kinda puts a damper on it. But ever since the TGS '14 trailer, I thought- well what if that young girl in the e3 trailer flashback isn't Stella, but actually Luna? After all, they never said it was Stella, to my knowledge. If that's the case, they can still have that scene at the party.
    And I could see how it would make sense: Perhaps the storyline goes that Luna and Noctis grew up together, but a few years before the events of the main story, Luna moved away (maybe to Altissa, since they mention she's there). This would explain the E3 dialogue where she's telling him that she has to go, and "Don't worry about me, live your own life" and he's saying "my heart won't let go" and stuff. And I suppose that means that Luna sees "the light" as well. Which could lead to an interesting backstory where they took her away because of that, whereas Noctis had to repress it and not tell anyone, which changes once Stella comes along. Again, just thoughts. 
    Also, let's talk about the equally attractive Titan. Am I the only one who noticed what he's holding? He's clearly holding something, and If you check out the 2:12 mark of The Jump Festa Trailer, You'll see what it might be. Does that look familiar? Hmm? 
    So yeah, I'm pretty sure Titan's holding the Astral Shard. And if so, I'm kinda curious as to what the significance of it is.
    What do you guys think about all this? 
  16. Like
    Jim got a reaction from luka in Some FFXV thoughts- Stella, Luna, and Titan   
    I guess this is my Random thought/theory dump for FFXV.
    So when I first saw the e3 2013 Trailer, and I saw a child Noctis running hand-in-hand with a blond girl, my first thought was: "Well then, what about that scene that they showed way back when where Stella meets Noctis at that party?" I liked that scene, and the thought of them having known each other since childhood kinda puts a damper on it. But ever since the TGS '14 trailer, I thought- well what if that young girl in the e3 trailer flashback isn't Stella, but actually Luna? After all, they never said it was Stella, to my knowledge. If that's the case, they can still have that scene at the party.
    And I could see how it would make sense: Perhaps the storyline goes that Luna and Noctis grew up together, but a few years before the events of the main story, Luna moved away (maybe to Altissa, since they mention she's there). This would explain the E3 dialogue where she's telling him that she has to go, and "Don't worry about me, live your own life" and he's saying "my heart won't let go" and stuff. And I suppose that means that Luna sees "the light" as well. Which could lead to an interesting backstory where they took her away because of that, whereas Noctis had to repress it and not tell anyone, which changes once Stella comes along. Again, just thoughts. 
    Also, let's talk about the equally attractive Titan. Am I the only one who noticed what he's holding? He's clearly holding something, and If you check out the 2:12 mark of The Jump Festa Trailer, You'll see what it might be. Does that look familiar? Hmm? 
    So yeah, I'm pretty sure Titan's holding the Astral Shard. And if so, I'm kinda curious as to what the significance of it is.
    What do you guys think about all this? 
  17. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Hero of Winds in Reggie Fils-Aime Amiibo coming soon   
    10/10 would declare that my body is ready for this item
  18. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Dio Brando in Reggie Fils-Aime Amiibo coming soon   
    10/10 would declare that my body is ready for this item
  19. Like
    Jim reacted to Arya Stark in Tons of new FFXV details   
    "Square Enix's male staff members worked hard on creating [Cidney]"
    I was too busy laughing at this sentence to understand anything else.
  20. Like
    Jim got a reaction from PrinceNoctis in Final Fantasy XV Jump Festa 2015 Trailer - In English!   
    Whooooaaaa.... that last monster in the trailer is ginormous. And this looks freaking awesome.
    also dat music though
  21. Like
    Jim got a reaction from atheist123 in That Korra finale is disgusting and offensive   
    Like, what in the world makes them think it's alright to make robot suits with freaking WINGS instead of JETPACKS?????? I have never been so offended in my life. That is just a crime against humanity that they would not give them jetpacks. I mean, I am just outraged. Aren't you? 
  22. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Neptune Vasilias in That Korra finale is disgusting and offensive   
    Like, what in the world makes them think it's alright to make robot suits with freaking WINGS instead of JETPACKS?????? I have never been so offended in my life. That is just a crime against humanity that they would not give them jetpacks. I mean, I am just outraged. Aren't you? 
  23. Like
    Jim got a reaction from PrinceNoctis in FINAL FANTASY XV english voices sounds terrible   
    I'm withholding judgement here. Remember the first KH3D trailer? the voices sounded pretty bad, if you ask me, due to it being poorly mixed. And the voices in the actual game turned out alright. Who knows, this might end up being a similar case. 
  24. Like
    Jim got a reaction from King Demise in That Korra finale is disgusting and offensive   
    Like, what in the world makes them think it's alright to make robot suits with freaking WINGS instead of JETPACKS?????? I have never been so offended in my life. That is just a crime against humanity that they would not give them jetpacks. I mean, I am just outraged. Aren't you? 
  25. Like
    Jim got a reaction from Aang in That Korra finale is disgusting and offensive   
    Like, what in the world makes them think it's alright to make robot suits with freaking WINGS instead of JETPACKS?????? I have never been so offended in my life. That is just a crime against humanity that they would not give them jetpacks. I mean, I am just outraged. Aren't you? 
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