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Everything posted by Jim

  1. That new KH3 trailer has me back on the Hype Train. Also hi everyone!

    1. Xiro



    2. Jim


      Or am I? :O

    3. Xiro


      oh no


  2. I haven't really done anything on here in forever. How are you all doing?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oli


      Yeah, Jim, join us

    3. Jim


      The what? Hahaha

    4. Oli


      the coalition of death

  3. If I made a subreddit that would be of interest to KH and FF fans, would I be allowed to briefly ask people here to check it out?

    1. Xiro


      Probably, as long as you don't spam it xP

  4. So I'm actually working on making a youtube video. It's a long, in-depth analysis of The Force Awakens, debunking all the lame hate it's been getting over the internet. Writing the script now, I'm at 19 pages, 9 thousand something words, and I'm probably at about the halfway point. Yikes.

    1. WakingDawn96


      Meanwhile, I am still busy with school work but trying to formulate ideas for more AMV and GMV type of videos after taking about 3 years off from making videos.

    2. Javelin434


      I don't think I'll even put that much effort for a university level research paper xD

  5. Anyone here ever watch Tommy Wiseau's masterpiece: "The Room"? 10/10 greatest movie ever

  6. I found a couple people on youtube who did angry rants about FFVIIR on Youtube, and both of them said Nomura is everything wrong with SE because (they thought) he was responsible for the XIII series. lol

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sora96


      MythrilMagician, 7.1 million before mobile sales is pretty dam good. Haha.

    3. MythrilMagician


      @Jim Yeah, they were rather good, despite what some say about them.


      @Sora96 Yeah, it is. Surprising for a game that is criticised as being one of the worst FF games, but that's just the Internet for you.

    4. Sora96


      Yep, 5th highest selling FF game ever behind VII, X, VIII and X-2.

  7. Now that I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles, I feel like the FF7R trailer looks a lot like a cross between the original FF7 gameplay and Xenoblade. As in, the ATB fills up with minor auto-attacks and then you choose what you can do after the gauge fills.

    1. Shana09


      i think that's stretching it a bit.

      I think its more like a FFXV-FF7 hybrid if anything. Or KH like.

    2. Jim


      You could be right. I don't know, I guess this game just has one of those kinds of gameplays where it's really difficult to see what the player is actually doing to trigger the character's actions if you don't know how the game actually plays with controller in hand.

    3. Shana09


      If you are talking about the teamate AI reacting to what you and other AIs are doing then FFXV has been huge about that.

  8. I just beat FF6 earlier, and... being totally honest, I personally enjoyed 7 and 9 more. I'm assuming this is probably a pretty unpopular opinion :/ It's a very good game though!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Dave


      But, unlike Kefka, they CAN understand love and can find meaning on their own through the hearts of one another and the people who they've met in their travels. Even if the universe might not be geared towards it, they can still find a world worth living in. And that's kind of what's tragic about Kefka: he's a broken man on fire who, in the end, is the only true victim of his own nihilism, and the one thing that he couldn't destroy is the one thing he never understood or...

    3. Dave
    4. Jim


      That's exactly the kind of analysis I was hoping to get! Thanks man, I really appreciate it! I hadn't really looked into him that deeply while playing the game, so it's really neat to hear about him in that context.


  9. I've seen some people on the internet who legitimately think Darth Maul is a better villain than Kylo Ren. H..how?

    1. Silvia Kuroi

      Silvia Kuroi

      Probably because, while Darth Maul hasn't much of a personality, he's more frightening and ominous, and more of what people expect of a Star Wars villain. I enjoyed Kylo Ren as a character, but some people like a character that isn't so childish.

    2. Kalebninja


      Because that opinion may not be formed solely off of the movies, Darth Maul didn't die in and came back in the clone wars so we got to see a lot more out of the character.

    3. Kalebninja


      *didn't die and*

  10. Playing FF6 to the end for the first time -> feel ready to do give Kefka's tower a second shot -> spend at least 5-10 minutes in beginning of dungeon getting everyone tricked out -> get fairly far in -> some random encounter uses "Blaster" 4 times in a row and wipes out my entire party -> ragequit

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dracozombie


      If an enemy's being cheap, then be cheap back: Vanish-Doom glitch ftw. (Unless you're not playing the SNES version, which in that case gooood luck.)

    3. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      Ugh, I've always hated stuff like that. :/

    4. Jim


      Draco- nope, PC version for me. (I know everyone hates that version but I like it just fine)

      Pangoro join the club xD

  11. yea hes a pretty cool guy his unlocker sword is pretty cool
  12. i like kingdom hearts

    1. Enix
    2. Jim
    3. Soul_Seeker


      wel kingdum hartz is 2.5/10 cull of doody iz best game

  13. do u like kingdom hearts i like kingdom hearts
  14. I mean it was kinda neat I guess

  15. the chat in the official SE Presents livestream is making my IQ drop

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jim
    3. Deadpool


      All Twitch and livestream chats for gaming events in general hellacious

    4. KairiKeybasH


      ...They are bored beacuse "where's the trailer?"

  16. When you look at the Smash Update changelist and see that they buffed three of your mains >:D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jim
    3. Shulk


      Shulk's changes do look great, even if the Back Slash change didn't happen. Looks like my other mains were pretty much untouched aside from Lucas (Who I don't play as all that much anyway xD), so this update looks pretty good to me.

    4. Veemon


      Yes!! Ahahahahaha! It's small, but it's a start! The extra knockback might be just what I needed.

  17. Someone in a Smash Bros thread just went in and posted a massive Star Wars 7 spoiler. I hate people.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Shulk


      Then I guess I might as well lose that faith if it is happening. ._. If only people could understand that some people actually want to see these things for themselves. I find game spoilers all the time, but I don't think most of them are even half as bad as spoiling Star Wars.

    3. Jim


      People do understand that. That's why they spoil them, so that they can ruin their fun.

    4. Shulk


      ... Good point, I don't know why I didn't think of it in that way.

  18. (not directed at anyone on here) I can understand why people might be a bit disappointed that their favorite character didn't get into Smash, but the amount of harsh words and enraged fanboys is really getting on my nerves. Whether you like the character or not, don't go out of your way to trash Sakurai and his team. They worked really hard on that game.

    1. Jim


      The things I've seen are just ridiculous, like "I'm glad Sakurai's leaving, he's everything wrong with Smash," or "**** Sakurai and everyone who likes him." I'm just like, really people? Can you possibly act more entitled?

    2. MythrilMagician


      It is nearly impossible to please people these days.

  19. They already did ^_^ I declined though, because I'm already busy with my job as C.E.O. of everything Thank you!
  20. And I respect your opinion, even if it is objectively wrong! This game is objectively the worst thing ever created on the planet or in the universe but if you like it I won't judge
  21. Thank you. Can never argue with facts and things from the heart, friend
  22. Hallo ladies and gents, tis me, the all-powerful Jim, ready to give you another absolutely true and 100% unbiased review. You may remember my reviews of Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV, and you may recall I liked those games a lot! Unfortunately, such is not the case for the Final Fantasy VII remake. I've already poured 3000 hours into it, and I can tell you that it is the worst remake ever made, and that it makes the Silent Hill HD collection look like the Citizen Kane of classic 1980's video gaming. I'm not sure where to even begin with how mind-bendingly, World-War-3-Startingly, Jar-Jar-Binks-birth-ingly atrocious this pathetic excuse for a game is. Perhaps I should start with the topic that was a bone of contention from most fans: The episodic nature of the remake. As you know, this game was divided into 7 episodes, with each one costing a bank-breaking 50 cents. Square has to realize that iPhone using multiple-dog owners like me can't afford to be dishing out our entire bank accounts to fuel their money-hogging greed. They should have realized they did something wrong once they fired Troy Baker, put microtransactions into the otherwise excellent game that is "Microtransaction Simulator 2018," and started making Kingdom Hearts pachenko machines. Nobody liked them when they did that. Ugh, it makes me so mad. Next, I didn't think it was possible in today's day in age, think of the graphics, for Yevon's sake! They're so much worse than the original! I know, you're just sitting there thinking, "You obviously haven't looked at them side by side!" But I did, and I'm posting a couple examples for you right now: Here's the original, And here's the "remake": Still don't believe me? Here's another pic of the original: And another of the remake: That doesn't even look much like Squall! He's way too muscular! What are they thinking???? One last comparison: the original: The remake: If you don't believe me now, you obviously only have five eyes. next is the gameplay, and you wouldn't believe how badly they screwed this one up. The original game made use of the ATB ("Angsty Teen Brooding") battle system to control the main characters. It worked so well, because I could literally do everything in the game without pressing any buttons. But now they changed it to a Superman 64/Kid Icarus Uprising/Smash Bros clone with RPG elements, and it completely doesn't work in any way, shape or form. The game literally runs at negative six frames per second, even when there's only one enemy on screen, so even if the battle system *was* good (it isn't), it would be almost unplayable anyway. It's so obvious that the battle system was made at the last second by a group of spider monkeys that looked at an image of Kingdom Hearts CoM gameplay once, that I'm surprised and offended that they didn't fire all of the workers immediately. And don't even get me started with the story. I don't know how they did it, but they ruined that too and managed to make the game more linear than FFXIII while doing it. They changed all these things around in the story, and all of the changes are awful. Like, they made dumb changes like making Barret's arm a nuke instead of a gun, and making Sephiroth a male with super long silver hair and a stupid katana. SEPHIROTH'S OBVIOUSLY A GIRL, IDIOTS. It's like they couldn't figure it out even after watching that scene in the original where Sephiroth says, "Hello. I am Zidane's female love interest and I want to destroy all boys." How much more obvious could it get? The only thing I liked was when the game bugged out (it's a glitchy mess, btw) during the Don Corneo mission, and Cloud was dressed as a girl for the entire rest of the game as a result. It was the best aspect of the game, and it was all because of a glitch. The music sounds like a two year old banging on an off-tune piano. The sound effects are garbage. The characters voice acting is so bad that it blew out the speakers in my TV. There's nothing else to say here. If I had to guess whose fault this trainwreck was, my money would be on the director they chose. You know who I'm talking about. I will never understand why they would ask a talentless hack like Hideo Kojima to direct a remake to the greatest game ever made. It's like they wanted it to be terrible. There are so many better choices. Couldn't they have at least hired Motomu Toriyama to direct and write this game? He's easily the greatest director in the history of all entertainment, and he would have made the game not only bearable, but also amazing. He would have at least had the good sense to replace every character with Lightning and give her 3x the jiggle physics that made LRFFXIII so perfect. She's just such a great character and her games are perfect and this game is a total mistake. I thought Square had returned to form when they had released masterpieces like FFXIII, FFXIV (vanilla), and FF All the Bravest. But apparently not, and they had to go and disappoint me again. Way to go, Square. You are literally worse than Konami. Score: Graphics: 0/10 Gameplay: 0/10 Music: Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric/10 Story: 0/10 Overall: -9999/10. Three thumbs waaaaay down.
  23. Geez, the Gamefaqs boards in the FF7 remake section are so full of hate.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DragonMaster


      GameFAQs itself is a cesspool of hate mongering, ignorance, intolerance, and belligerence. I'm on there quite often (don't actually have an account), and I keep wondering why I go back everyday. Its like a drug where every trip is a bad one but it's still addicting.

    3. Gamerazor247


      I visit the GF discussions regularly because they're funny, but in all honesty the member's are douches.

    4. KingdomHearts3
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