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Everything posted by GY6Unversed

  1. Don't really see why its so important for some people that sora didn't become a master. I mean from the games released becoming a master doesn't really seem to change anyone or make them stronger. Look at the masters already in game: Master Eraqus lost to his own student then was sniped from behind Aqua, well she made castle oblivion, but shes trapped in RoD helpless to whats happening outside Yen Sid, hes just chilling in his own realm letting riku and sora do the grunt work for him finally, Mickey (i think hes a master) doesn't seem any more powerful than riku or sora IMO being a master is just an honor and with all that sora's done and probably will do, hes already a master
  2. Sora's keyblade is his own even if Ven is returned to his body, the kingdom key chose Sora after it rejected Riku because of the darkness in his heart at the time. The reason why roxas could dualwield keyblades is because he was using both sora's and ven's keyblades.
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