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Skyace 65

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Everything posted by Skyace 65

  1. 2 things 1) i never said the xbox1 is good, you wiiU fans are just using it as the only thing you can get to elevate the status of the wiiU since its so bad its worse than wiiU 2) I'm not a graphics person, I'm a gameplay person, and hardware matters a lot when it comes to gameplay and opens up all new kinds of possibilitys. and bringing this back to KH for a second, the increased memory size of the PS4 and xbox1 allows for incredible things the wiiUs 2GB couldn't do. for starters we will probobly have no loading between world sections, lots of NPCs walking around everyware, large scale and complex battles.
  2. whatever they did it would be hard, though personally i think it should be in the original trilogy or focus on the new movies if possible. plus there would be a ton of backlash for a new trilogy game, and there would also be the paranoia till day of release of "are they going to put jar jar in the game?" in terms of plot flexability and being able to put kingdom hearts characters in the story, the games like force unleashed and KOTOR would actually work the best but that probobly would never happen. so next best thing in my mind is the original trilogy.
  3. i really don't think age matters since I'm clearly more mature than you and can keep a level head and not result to cursing about this topic. I agree, a console is about the games it can play, and right now the wiiU is completely lacking in that department due to its low end hardware and not enough variety in the first party game linup. and as i recall it just lost another exclusive recently since Deus Ex:HR directors cut is now going to be on all consoles. even with good games, I'm not going to spend 350$ on a console completely lacking in hardware powerr, i could get a gaming PC with much more games and a variety of games for that price.
  4. how exactly is saying the console is bad bashing the fans?I'm bashing the console. its completely underpowered compared to the PS4/XBOX1, the touchscreen gimmick sucks and drives the price of the console up. and once developers start fully utalizing the power of the next gen consoles its going to loose most third party support. and if you were a nintendo fan you would want them to go third party so their game quality would go up. what exactly do you loose? the hollow pride of still having a console? it keeps limiting the potential of games, nobody would miss the gamepad. and how exactly is voicing my opinion mean I'm forcing my way of thinking on you?
  5. wiiU dosen't exactly have a strong first party linup. the majority of it is platformers and they missed an oppertunity to bring in more people by having retro make a DK instead of any other type of game, the system already has plenty of platformers. the new smash bros dosen't exactly seem that big either, graphics wise it looks almost identical to brawl. I say just let the wiiU fail and have nintendo go third party on consoles, more great games for everyone and quality would increase
  6. its called high detailed cartoony, you know, like the cartoony CGI cutscenes we've been getting since day1. and how would the game work just fine on a PS3? do you work for square? are you on the project? there is also using hardware for things besides graphics like large open areaswith lots of NPCs and AI.
  7. well considering how easy it would be to do I'm half worried its because they want to block used games on the PS4 and XBOX1, though why anyone would ever turn in KH3 is beyond me.
  8. your right, the wiiUs hardware is better than the xbox360 and PS4, BUT IT'S STILL WORSE THAN THE XBOX1/PS4 AND DOSEN'T HAVE THE POWER THE GAME NEEDS.
  9. and how exactly does someone wanting something mean that there isnt inferior hardware? all that petition says is "we want something on our console so put it on there." let me put it into perspective. wiiU has 2 GB of RAM, XBOX1/PS4 have 8GB. apparently wiiU is multi-core but it doesn't say how much, lets assume 2 or 4 being generous, PS4 and XBOX1 have 8. its not possible
  10. dude here is a few facts. number 1, sales in japan of the xbox brand mean jack #$%% when it comes to putting games on it considering literally every other japanese developer already does that. I've said it for ages everytime some idiot on here says KH cant be on xbox since it does bad out of japan and you people seem to ignore every other japanese developer putting games on xbox. number 2, the wiiU's hardware is completely inferior to the xbox1 and PS4, and the hardware on them is pratically identical. it would not be possible to fully utalize the power of the next generation if KH had to be on the wiiU as well. number 3, its extremely easy to make games between the PS4 and xbox1 since both are running on 64bit architecture and the wiiU is the odd one out. its not happening.
  11. changing the graphics to call of duty and changing it to look like the CGI is too differnt things. call of duty style has never been done before in the series and nobody would expect the game to look like it, the CGI style on the other hand is perfect and has been with the franchise since literally day 1 and with this advanced hardware its what everyone would logically assume the graphics style would be or at least look close to. and it clearly does look right being final fantasy style since we have had the same art style in the CGI forever
  12. I dunno it would seem kinda impossible to explain sora being toy sized, and it would also be pretty hard to have the world layed out. wall-e i think would be a really good one to use, incredibles as well. marvel probobly wouldn't fit that well, star wars might especially with the themes, and its not like the series is a stranger to having human(as in actor) characters in it.
  13. nobody is saying it cant be cartoony, it just cant be that specific style. what it should be is the CGI style from the movies we've gotten for the games over the years, that looks perfect and with the videos shown of FF15 its entierly possible.
  14. this just got released on IGN http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/13/e3-2013-kingdom-hearts-creator-speaks-on-disneys-recent-acquisitions so its not impossible that we could see some star wars, avengers or pixar. thoughts? I personally think some pixar franchises would be a great fit in kingdom hearts(though not all) as far as disney and marvel go, maybe marvel if they could pull off the graphics to be just right and star wars if they can make the storyline fit in with movie plots well enough
  15. here is my list of what i think coud and couldn't work wall-e: yes cars/planes:no monsters:yes toy story:possibly, if they could come up with a good excuse for sora and friends being toys incredibles:yes finding nemo:yes but i think only if atlantica wasnt in the game brave:no, sora being there as a competant man would conflict too much with the way the story and themes are handled UP:yes a bugs life:possibly ratatouille:no
  16. wow so they were planning to have sora go to diney castle at one point, that explains why they left it on the world map. i think people were expecting it to look like the CGI trailers which is the perfect cartoony style.
  17. i hope to god they don't include the block leveling up system from 358 days that would totally ruin it for me. also i can't bellieve that he only used the word considering for if they will add in final fantasy characters, i get that it will be the end of the trilogy and everythings been building up to this but come on how can you not have them? unless they want TWEWY to replace them.....both is better than 1 though. hey maybe we could see some of the protaginists from final fantasy 15. P.S I'm calling it now with TWEWY, sora is going to get killed at some point in the story and end up in shibuya playing the game.
  18. meh, i know some people will be excited but all i want is co-op where my friends can start playing as donal and goofy or whoever your current companion is
  19. I'll just let the possibility of using the move and swinging it as a keyblade sink in for you..
  20. themes do not translate to how bright the colors are. bright colors are fine, the current stuff just looks like the wrong kind of cartoony because its too bright
  21. to be honest I think they could probably make it look almost like the CGI trailers which are a perfect cartoony/realistic blend. the current stuff though just looks way too bright.
  22. I'd say we will probably be in store for a 2.5 collection before that since they did show KH2,BBS and RE:CODED in the credits for 1.5, if it has been In development for 3 years than I doubt they would have put it in if they knew 3 would release so soon. though we might just end up getting one big xehanort saga collection with everything in it after 3 releases.
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