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Skyace 65

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Everything posted by Skyace 65

  1. First of all, mess up what story? Star Wars' or KH's? Every movie has their story edited to be included in kingdom hearts, Tron barely resembles the original movie in terms of plot. And how would having star wars as a separate universe or galaxy interfere with the main KH story? Also who says they have to use a movie? They could use Star Wars Rebels if they wanted.
  2. Simple, use the space worlds from Marvel such as Asgard or the Guardians of the galaxy worlds. For star wars you can make that an alternate universe or another galaxy.
  3. that port hasn't made PC gamers hate KH. That port has made people hate the port of the game and square for letting something so bad get out.
  4. does Square ever not have licensing issues with their stuff? also what issues?
  5. yeah, why on earth would a company want more people to be able to buy their products?
  6. well since they are now working with unreal 4 it would be even easier for them to make a PC version. Hopefully if it's done they don't make the same mistakes that were made with FF13 on steam.
  7. square's own engine dev team must be falling behind if the issues with luminous were bad enough that they needed to switch. Though i really have to wonder what exactly was going wrong. Ah well, hopefully UE4 is flexible enough for them. And maybe it will lead to a PC port.....yeah I know, getting my hopes up too much but still.
  8. I really hope we see banther between Cloud and Lightning, or Leon and Lightning, that was the best scene of KH2 when Leon and CLoud were together.
  9. just thinking about a 3D movie like advent children for KH..... Must....have! but yeah sadly i think we can just keep dreaming since they didn't bother doing that for 358 or coded. I'm pretty sure it was implying that when worlds get destroyed by heartless they end up in the realm of darkness. I'm far more interested in that scene at the end with Kairi outside of the mansion since that hasn't happened yet.
  10. 2 things 1) you clearly haven't seen the show because there are a LOT of monsters that they do fight 2) neither Marvel nor Star Wars are too mature for KH. forgive me if I'm wrong but haven't we already included a movie with genocide in it?
  11. I demand axel yelling "hey, you two should kiss!" from far away when sora and kairi are standing together.
  12. I wonder whats going on with the game engine. and for that matter what engine is it? Crystal tools or the next gen version of it?
  13. New interview with Nomura in Fantismu regarding KH3 with a few interesting bits of info http://kotaku.com/tetsuya-nomura-talks-kingdom-hearts-iii-but-is-quiet-o-1638975044 important parts -They are meeting scheduled deadlines, but they are struggling on the visual side for some reason with the engine -KH3 will start from a place you won't expect -he's currently writing the scenario and selecting worlds, as well as designing new outfits for Sora and Riku
  14. just going to add my 2 cents on how much manpower it would take, honestly not that much compared to 1.5 and 2.5, the only resources they would need to divert are coders and maybe a few graphic design artists. Not that much and the rest of the KH3 team can keep working on building graphical assets and such. 1.5 took a LOT more work considering the coding they had to do(port 2 games), animation for days, and didn't they also loose a lot of the graphical assets for KH1?
  15. star wars and marvel are too violent compared to disney? They show an entire village burned down with everyone killed in it killed(Mulan), Scar killing simba's dad(lion king), frozen had attempted murder, Atlantis had guns, Ursula gets rammed to death with a ship in little mermaid, pirtates of the Caribbean had guns, an entire village tries to kill Beast in beauty and the beast, Tron legacy had genocide.
  16. who says star wars would need to be a world? they could just make it an alternate universe. as for marvel. are you seriously going to ignore all the space stuff they have like Thor and the GoG and act like NYC is the only setting they could use? well Lego Marvel managed to use him pretty well.
  17. Maybe people want other characters because Sora is a Mary Sue? Don't get me wrong, I like him, but the other characters provide a much more interesting perspective that would be nice to have in addition to Sora's.
  18. except for the fact that this isn't FF7 cloud or Sephiroth. last time i checked in FF7 Sephiroth wasn't the darkness inside Cloud.
  19. In the end, I think we all know whats going to happen with the main story. Ven Terra and Aqua come back, Xehanort gets defeated, Roxas eats ice cream ect, ect. save maybe one loose end for a future game But with Clouds, we have no idea which direction this could go assuming it's continued(It better be continued square!) Whats going to happen with Aerith? Can he actually kill Sephiroth? what happened to Zack? It just seems more interesting because we can't predict whats going to happen.
  20. I'd love co-op if i could drop in and out as companion characters. though i guess the problem would be, how does that work for story scenes where the main character is alone?
  21. your talking about it like being gay is just a choice, it isn't. Nobody chooses to be gay because nobody would want to knowing the backlash from society. No woman's going to get screwed over by someone deciding to be gay instead. That marriage just isn't happening. even if it did it wasn't because of love, and shouldn't exist. also, seriously, males can't get pregnant is your excuse? They have options like adoption or a surrogate mother.
  22. And whats wrong with kids being shown that being Gay is completely normal? I personally don't like the shipping.
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