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Skyace 65

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Everything posted by Skyace 65

  1. what do controlls have to do with anything? controlls can work fine on PC. also, keep in mind the age of the PS3, it's not as graphically advanced as your making it out to be. even if some people are limited to not being able to play, thats just how PC works, and some playing is better than nobody. also this isnt exactly high end of the graphics department. 1.5 is PS2 level graphics(well PS2/3DS) i doubt that many people wont be able to run it.
  2. i never said anything about porting to xbox, only PC and wii U. i have an xbox but i'm not blind, i know it's highly unlikely for KH to ever go on it but as i've pointed out, it should be going on Wii U or PC
  3. yeah i know, brought up before, but its something i just can't stand now more than ever. yeah kingdom hearts started out on PS2 but that was back when PS2 was king of home consoles and widely something that people liked. and since kingdom hearts 2's release all the other consoles are on a lot more of a level playing field, especially with a lot of problems the PS3 has and square still wants it to stay Play station only on consoles even though they have used nintendo handhelds for most of their handheld games. yeah maybe there are some limiting factors from it becoming completely multi-platform. I won't try and say the xbox is perfect or as good graphics wise as PS3 and i wont fight for a release on it. but what about the Wii U? graphics wise its pretty much on par with everything and the discs for it are 25GB, and its not like KH3 will probobly take a big graphical leap whenever it does come out with what we've seen of 1.5 so it wouldnt really be a problem if it came out on Wii U and probobly at that point PS4. but yeah maybe they dont want to take any risks if Wii U falls short in some departments but you know what really ticks me off? why it's not on PC. PC is above the current generation of consoles graphics wise, and i doubt many people wouldn't have powerfull enough graphics cards considering this game is PS2/3DS level graphics. its not like its going to be a storage problem, and it's not like there would be a confusion problem since 1.5 is the beggining of the franchise. Even Namaco has finally brought the Ace combat series onto PC which has been primarily console for years. It's certainly not a lack of PC capable developers since they have the FF14 team, and it wouldnt be taking up their time like making the game from scratch on PC would, all the assets are already there. and it certainly isnt a distribution problem, they can publish games on PC, their entire catalog of games they have published on steam is having a 4 day long sale, and final fantasy 11 is on there. even if they didnt want to use steam they have used their own means to distribute 7 on PC. I just find it ridiculous how closed they are making Kingdom hearts when they are a third party developer. theres no reason not to put it on PC at least, at most it should be on PC and Wii U.
  4. disney making something they bought have no violence? have you been living under a rock for 5 years? avengers happened under disneys watch
  5. star wars would fit great. we've already seen square enix handle a live action movie in kingdom hearts TWICE(tron) and i think it would work out great
  6. if you havnt already seen the press release(you live under a rock?) disney has bought lucas films from george lucs and is going to work on an episode 7(if they get the directer for avengers than SO MUCH WIN!) so could we have possible integration in kingdom hearts 3 with episode 7 or previous episodes?(since including episode 7 would mean KH3 releaseing in 1015) we've already seen that square enix can do good integration with live action movies like tron which had a great world and graphics that worked for it, so what would you think of star wars integration?
  7. we are a minority who don;t own a PS3? oh I'm having a field day with this! go check the poll of the day from a few previous days ago asking if people had a PS3 or not, about half of the website said no
  8. so your basically saying that it should be a console exclusive "just because"....... worst argument ever
  9. as said before, i would much rather buy a WiiU because it has far more console exclusives that i would be interested in. it wouldnt be ideal for me compared to a PC or Xbox release but i'd still rather do that than get a PS3
  10. im so glad that they are keeping the current graphics style for the series, never did want it to become realistic and it looks better this way, although slightly more detailed textures would be welcomed
  11. anyone else find the poll of the day votes extremely intersting? because i sure did. and so many people said it wasnt a lot of people who didnt have a PS3....
  12. some 1 time registration would be an idea though, maybe even registering required for each new PC the game gets played on so you cant just move the file to a new computer. I actually love steam for stuff like this, it fights DRM and is awesome! who needs to pirate games when you have steam sales. and KH could be one or the other with how hyped people are, it may be a last gen game but its one that was on PS2 and never playable on current gen consoles. while that isnt enough you still have the fact that final mix content is thrown in there as well which might not be that big for japan but for here its awesome and a huge incentive to buy outside of reliving childhood memories. and if it was on PC mods would add onto hype as well. think of the possibilitys! kicking ansem SoD in the nuts!
  13. so basically all you are complaining about is that it wont get here sooner while in the meantime we have all the final mix content of the first game. "quadrouple facepalm"
  14. actually this does bring up a question with it being final mix content if it did come to the US. it would be very weird in some added in bits like the xemnas boss fight to go from old HJO to new HJO with the voice
  15. i read the article, than looked at the comments and laughed completely. so where do they get those 95% figures from exactly ? theres no way for them to know 95% of their games are being pirated unless they see it on other peoples machines, and as the comments said they are probobly just doing it to avoid the fact that not many people want to buy their games. and if games need some kind of online connection to prevent piracy than that still leaves square with a lot of options. number 1, do it with steam and while unlikely would give them the online component that they need through the startup and achievement system. 2 have some kind of required connection to square servers.
  16. you keep saying it would be over-pirated but never why. theres no reason kingdom hearts would be more pirated than any other game on PC. if the worst company ever that everyone hates like EA can maintain profit on PC than so can kingdom hearts. as for JRPGS, the only thing that really strikes me as japanese about kingdom hearts is the art style, thats just it. all the gameplay resembles any other action RPG, and did you seriously just say american RPGs arnt cutscene heavy? clearly you have never played mass effect.
  17. the guy telling me games need to have respect to not be pirated is telling me im wrong? respect never stops piracy for anything. Kingdom hearts is completely comparable to skyrim and mass effect. they are all RPGs, they are all action based and have live non-turn based combat systems and immerse you in a huge story, you carry items, manage your weapons and teams abilitys. and i think it would be pretty easy to sell kingdom hearts on PC if the only other alternative is PS3 with how many people are asking for it on wii and xbox and most of those people would be willing to get it on PC at least
  18. because i dont want to waste money on a PS3 that i would only buy for one game when i already have a PC and xbox, and its far more likely to get put on PC. i want it on PC so i can play it, i dont buy games on PC so i can play with a keyboard.
  19. Quote im sorry but the whole argument that it wont or shouldnt happen on xbox because it dosent sell well in japan is bull @#$%. both sega and capcom release their games on PS3 AND Xbox. square has no reason not to and nobodys asking for it to be xbox exclusive, people want it to be multi-platform. which means PS3, xbox, wii U and PC
  20. you can have gamepad support on PC though and hook up an xbox or logitech controller. and you could than put it on TV if you have the option. and gaming on a laptop is perfectly fine, its how i game. and not all fans want a KH game on PS3, some want it on wii U and xbox and its much more feasable that it would come out on PC as well with gamepad support so at least than the xbox and wii audience would be able to play it. there is no reason why it shouldnt come out on PC, theres reasons it might not do as well but not why it shouldnt happen
  21. no im not a PC elitist, you clearly have never mentioned consoles on the steam forums, trust me. and its not the "master race" argument, its a fact, if you have a decent computer than it can match what the PS3 can do so 1.5 should come out on both to reach a larger target audience
  22. those are still action RPGS just like kingdom hearts is, they are the same type of genre. and seriously, you think PC gaming is a small community? you make me laugh, PC gaming is huge, steam has over 50 million people registered on it. and piracy isnt nearly as bad as you make it out to be, if it was as bad as what your saying than the PC market wouldnt still be around. my point still stands, at least the game should come out on PC and PS3
  23. thats differnt though, there was a huge graphics differnce back than, now though not so much and you can always have a game on multiple discs. but can anyone say theres a good reason it shouldnt come out on PC?
  24. they would make more money if it was on xbox, wii and PC. and considering the whole point of a buisness is to make as much money as possible......
  25. why? PC hardware is better than PS3 hardware if you have a decently modern machine. and the majority of the xbox/wii crowd would than be able to play the game
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