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About shadowgarion

  • Birthday 06/01/1993

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  1. The only traitors were Marluxia and Larxene, Vexen was eliminated so Axel could earn the trust of the traitors, as for Zexion, Axel said himself that he just learned to much ( about Axel and Saix's own plans for betrayal), and Lexaeus was killed by Riku. Vexen, Zexion, and Lexaeus were never suspected of being traitors, they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
  2. i personally think that chain of memories is the worst KH game mainly for its lack of KH gameplay. It would have been much better with real gameplay
  3. Did you ever think that Vanitas could be one of the other cloaked members whose identities weren't revealed in game.
  4. never mind that, i realized i was wrong shortly after putting it.
  5. the reason why it won't come out on the Xbox is because there is no reason for it to come out on the Xbox. Every Kingdom Hearts game has been on either nintendo or sony, also SquareEnix is a japanese company and the Japanese hate the Xbox. Plus i'm pretty sure that Nomura once said that he wants to put KH3 on the most current Nintendo AND Sony system so that the fans can complete the story without the need to buy the system they don't have so they can. One more thing is that the Xbox has never done well with Japanese series', almost every japanese based series that has ever gone to the Xbox has failed miserably and ended either selling WAY BETTER on its japanese counter part the PS3 or it ended up being remade for the PS3. And the last and most obvious reason that this is the end of the Xehanort saga, not a single before it was on the Xbox giving SquareEnix no reason to put it on the Xbox, it just wouldnt make sense to end it on a system that most wouldnt except. And believe it or not, those you Xbox owning KH fans are a very small minority in the fanbase and SquareEnix isn't willing to lose money by puting a game on a system that only a few people would buy. So there you, some intellectual reasons as to why KH3 should NOT be on the Xbox.
  6. Did you ever think that KH3 will have a story similar to KH3D where you play as different wielders at different times or Something similar to BBS where you are capable of playing the story through everyones' perspectives instead of just Sora's (which is really getting boring) or mix between both where we are capable of playing though the perspectives of three or four different groups where you switch off between the different members of the groups. For example Sora, Riku, and Kairi; Lea, Roxas, and Xion; Terra, Aqua, and Ventus. Just saying, it could happen, and i wouldn't hate it.
  7. Ok to get back on topic, No, Sora does not deserve to be a master, not yet anyway. It's not that Sora is too immature, it's that he's never had too fight off his own darkness before or overcome some personal darkness, whether it be literal darkness in Riku's case or something like a maturing self doubt like Mickey. Sora has always been overly cocky about his abilities, although always winning probably didn't help. Every Master has had to overcome their own personal "darkness", Riku had literal darkness, Mickey doubted his abilities when he couldn't save Aqua, Ven, and Terra showing Yen Sid that he had grown from when he first started his training, as for Aqua my guess is that she had always doubted herself in terms of wielding the keyblade because she didn't show the strong combat ability that Terra did, making it so she knew her ability the whole time and never over or under estimate her own abilities, showing the mark of a true master. I'm also pretty sure that either Nomura or someone in the series has either stated or suggested that the Mark of Mastery isn't the only way to become a master, For example (and i'm not sure if this is 100% correct) Mickey never went through the Mark of Mastery exam. So the whole thing about Sora not becoming a master in KH3D doesnt mean that he won't become a master at all, it just shows that he wasn't ready to be one at that time. Plus keep in mind that at the end of KH3D Sora went off to "save" Roxas (and probably Xion too) because he believes he deserves his own existence, this is probably when he will become a master.
  8. Try playing Sonic Adventure 2, then we'll talk
  9. First off your Sora points are invalid, my proof being that the reason that Roxas is able to use dual keyblades is because he's borrowing both Sora and Ven's keyblades, same reason as to why Sora can use Dual keyblades is because he is using his own along with Ven's. Not to mention that they have stated several times in the series that the keyblade chooses its wielder not the other way around, all the keyblade inheritance ceremony does is give them a better of getting it, my proof "in your hand, take this Key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be", this simply says that as long as they are worthy they will become a wielder, it doesn't guarantee anything. As for kairi, she CAN'T be a light because she is a princess of heart, who the lights are supposed to protect. As for Lea, he just got his keyblade, has no real idea how to use it, and probably won't be a light. Terra however is capable of being saved and has already been named as a member of the light. Finally for the Seventh, nobody should even try to figure out who it is, Nomura obviously doesn't want us to know who he is, thats why neither Mickey nor Xehanort named him/her off.
  10. thats only because the people Nomura needs to work on Kingdom Hearts 3 are currently working on Final Fantasy Versus XIII
  11. It's quite simple what happened to the series................ they kept making them
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