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Everything posted by Kuzusu

  1. Wondering why people stay so optimistic....

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    2. Zola


      The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant.

    3. Zola
    4. Kuzusu


      That's true.

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  2. dreamt that I was 5'8, but then I got stomped by Xemnas and I shrunk :,<

  3. I need to make more kh friends irl -__-

    1. bandityoshi


      There is always room for internet friends :D

    2. Kuzusu


      That's true :]

  4. I'm a little sad because it can at least make me feel a little bit better knowing that they are doing something...
  5. Deciding on playing either Kingdom Hearts 1 or Kingdom Hearts 2 or The World Ends With You

  6. Listening to Riku's theme

  7. Listening to DTM solo remix (TWEWY fans might know..)

  8. Watching Kimi to Boku

  9. Listening to My Chemical Romance- "I'm not okay (I Promise)"

  10. excited for the game

  11. Drawing Kingdom Hearts Characters

  12. listening to Twister-gang remix

  13. It's a pretty good game. When I was first introduced to Neku, I was quickly able to understand where he was coming from. I also find the way he thinks to be quite interesting. The other characters are quite unique also. The characters personalitys can easily connect with a few realistic problems such as jealousy and trying to fit in.
  14. Finding inspiraton for a drawing

  15. Finding inspiraton for a drawing

  16. Kuzusu


    Hello! My name is Kuzusu and I like to play video games and draw fan art! I like liste-ning to pop and rock music. My favorite characters are Sora, Roxas and Neku. I usually act like Neku at times.
  17. begging parents to get me a 3ds

    1. lea12345


      thanks for adding me as a friend

    2. Setting Sun<3

      Setting Sun<3

      I'm doing the same thing.. MAYBE for my birthday, one problem: it's November 26th T.T

    3. TheKingdomkid


      wait to see if they announce that speacial KH 3DS then you can bag your parents to get you that and you get DDD with it so its a win win

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