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About Kuzusu

  • Birthday 06/08/1997

Other Information

  • Member Title
    Deadpan Snarker
  • Gender
  1. My mom made my room way too girly...It's disgusting.

  2. I feel....nostalgia... I guess it's because I have been listening to the Gorillaz

    1. Elrandir


      Ah...good old 19-2000 :D

  3. I feel like crap...

  4. Happy one year on kh13!

  5. Reading a whole bunch of fanfics

  6. I hate projects.....

  7. Couldn't sleep much. I can't help being a light sleeper though....

  8. Had the most craziest dream today....what's yours?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AnsemTheWise


      hard to remember. There was a man in a wizard costume in it. That's all I've got.

    3. AnsemTheWise


      hard to remember. There was a man in a wizard costume in it. That's all I've got.

    4. Kuzusu


      @Caity Raindrop: Apparently I was in the Winnie the Pooh book, the one where its all 3d like, and there was this castle. There were some portals, and when I went in one, I was in this classroom for special children. After being with them for a year, we are tested for something, and for some reason, I am the only one safe, where as everyone else is brainwashed to go kill me. So as I am trying to not get killed from my classmates, I'm also trying to avoid the traps from Oogie Boogie's r...

  9. I'm feeling a mixture of emotions and thoughts today....

    1. Weiss


      I know that feeling

    2. DJ369


      I know that feeling too.

  10. I like Skull Noise and Decisive Pumpkin.
  11. Don't wanna do homework. I just wanna sleep so badly.

    1. Caity


      Depending on the time (if it's early) you could go to sleep wake up earlier tomorrow and do homework then

  12. "It looks like my summer vacation is... over."-Roxas (You knew this was gonna come sooner or later) "Good-bye Roxas. See you again."-Xion
  13. My voice is hoarse from fangir-ahem, I mean SCREAMING too much yesterday about something...

    1. KingdomHearts3


      What were you screaming about?

    2. Kuzusu


      A game that had a new feature and that it was supposed to come out in the winter, but then it turns out that it was just a new feature on the iphone version of it.

    3. KingdomHearts3


      Ok, that is not right. I'm sorry.

  14. I don't feel like doing the many projects that are due soon...

  15. A lot of people mistake me for a 12 year old...and I'm a sophmore. But, that's probably because I'm short.
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