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Everything posted by scrawlx101

  1. which org memeber do u think i am most, like i am: Quiet at times Tall and skinny(i am 6ft) Unconfident at times Quick tempered and a good advice giver also what weapon o u think i should use if i was a KH character. PS i'm very modest and try my best but if i am bullied i will retalite!!!! Kingdom Hearts=LEGENDARRRRRRY! least liked org memebers are: Vexen Larxene Lexaeaus Xaldin they are AWESOME! except larxene shes a awesome b**** BOOOYAH!
  2. soo now we hav Larxene Zexion Luxord Vexen also any1 else.After we establish the unpopular members we can lower it down to the most unpopular character and laugh.MUHAHAHA! oh and Xaldin and Lexeuas,i personally want to know who are the tallest org Memebers too
  3. i now vexen s 1 but why is he/and so far we have: Luxord Vexen Larxene
  4. Donald and Goofy protecting Mickey now. Can anyone tell me the weaknesses of my plot etc.and stuff ive missed out? Any other characters who have a great significance in the KH series you think is too influnectial to miss out?
  5. It's set in Parrel Universe similar to KH universe but with different things: Nobodies are almost non-existent Yen Sid turned Evil Sora,Riku turned evil,MX corrupted them. Kari is alive somewhere Xion was revived and Roxas fully fused with Sora. TAV sacrificed themselves to save Disney Castle. This is just the planning stage not the real deal.This is just practice.Im only 14
  6. oky so heres an idea along with the above: He is part of a group called:Excaliburn which is similar to Organization 13 except they aim to create peace but he gets kicked out for defiance by the leader,Derrick.My MC(main char) is tossed away into the Keyblade Graveyard and meets King Mickey who is scouting for the upcoming battle with Xehanort's Organisation.Plz Explain Xehanorts Orginisation thing..time travel makes this confusing,anyway Heartless and Nobodies appear and a keyblade from the graveyard floats to my MC who fights with Mickey but during the fight my MC has flashback of Aqua and Larxene.(He was trained by them).After this the Keyblade transforms into a new Keyblade.Need help with weapon design.This Good so far?I have decided that my player will be alligned with Nothingness,he will constantly change sides.Keyblade will be called:Memorytide.
  7. oky thnks protoman really helpfull!any other tips? PS this is not really how i write just the way i write on forums etc would it be intresting if Niwdog was a Nobody created by Kingdom Hearts itself?
  8. Extrodinary,the first part displays Riku's first experince with the keyblade going through the inheritance ceremnoy the rest is self explanotary
  9. but if tera is a Lght thn how does Lea fit in.I thought the lights are:TAV and SRK and mickey and the 13 darkness a load of evil ppl.I so confused about that plz explain it.also answer my other topic.
  10. nice but Terra is one of the lights Axel=Lea and he is just a weilder.Terra may come bak as LS tht would be AWESSSSOME!
  11. I am going to make a fanfic on here but i was wondering wat side eg ;ight,darkness,nothingness,or light and darkness would this person belong to and what keyblade would suit them: Name:Niwdog allignment:Unsre about wat to put here Keyblade:Unsure about wat to put here Personality:Quiet,Quick to anger,Kind and Caring,very undecisive(cant make decisions on his own),starts conversations often between friends. Element:Unsure about wat to put here Eye Colour and Hair colour:Black for both Share your suggestions including wat clothes u think he should wear PS this is my main character All Ideas welcome and can some1 tell me: Some things i have already answered,Thnks All!
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