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Everything posted by scrawlx101

  1. wouldnt you guys say the crossed swords are xemnas's blades and the cubes are dice? unless we get a big zoom in so we can see if they have circles on them....
  2. wouldnt it make more sense if eraqus took terra's piece away seeing as hes now in his "heart" and all that stuff to symbolise the fact that Terra isnt fully on xehanorts side - it makes sense that both Eraqus and MX would have a terra piece seeing as he's in theory split between light and dark...would also make sense imo if MX had Aqua's piece seeing as shes in the ROD? as for the two guardians thing could it not be symbolic of ansemSOD and Terranort(hes a separate entity to YX?)
  3. Lea's not part of the lights...atleast thats wat i heard on here
  4. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8374985/1/The_Great_Quest_of_Life Theres above link to my SYOC fanfic i have 1 OC picked but i could use some more.Any tips etc would be much appreciated.Also do you think my prolouge is good?
  5. can i join my char is: Name:Garrick StelHawk Rank: (Student, Master, King/Queen, ect.)Bard Affiliation: (Light/Dark/Neutral, ect)netural Bio:He was born to two keyblade masters,but instead of dong a MOM he decided to become a bard at just 5 years of age using the power of music to destoy his foes,At age 12 he decided to participate in the war not really supporting any side in their crusade due to his pacifist nature.However when he sees a innocent village destroyed he decides to cause peace between the two sides through balance...He was trained in Bard hood by a mysterious traveller at 6 years of age after running from his home...He was then abbandoned by his master at 10 and he continued to self train himself ever since .He is know 14 years old. Appearance: (Picture or Description)Name:Black hair,Dark cocoa skin,Purple Robe .Has a balancing scale on the back of his Robe. Weapon/Keyblade:He uses a Mandolin with a spiked end. Abilities: Can surrond people with auras which either protect and strengthen them or kill them/weaken them . Can manipulate emotions. Can also surrond himself in a aura which boosts his senses and stamna. Weakness:He is sometmes unwillingto fight and can be slightly gulliable if a person has a similar aim to him.
  6. wat is twilight? llight going into darkness? so like Terra's transformation due to Xehanort's ,medding....
  7. If you can use Darkness for good, can you use Light for bad?and is there any character who gives off the impression of a twilight user?
  8. Xodin twisted Bane's Edge his (claymore) in his hand....A mere replica,weak and non existent...I'l prove myslf to everyone...especially her...he thought silently on his bed.Xodin heard the sound of singing and walked towards the disturbance stealthly..... This my frst RP any tips?
  9. Can anyone please review this story: via ths link http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8127693/1/A_New_Age_The_268th_Nome I nedd OC'S and tips for this Kane Chronicles Fic.
  10. hey can any1 direct me to a really good RP so i can be better at it?
  11. you forgo to add m to thelist? name is Odin changed to Xodin.I on new orgnization XIII
  12. Mine is either:Mickey,Ventus,Riku or Terra for the girls:Aqua,Namine,Kari and Xion they are all great!
  13. what 1 do u like better(wheter it is for story reasons or whatever it is) can someone explain what is Twilight? Light going into darkness and also are there any characters which use this?
  14. by new application i meant that Odin shall be replacing Gallahard as my rply character.Also can anyone direct me to a GOOD quality roleplay since i am new at this,thanks!
  15. Name: ( Odin. ) Gender: ( Male. ) Type: Replica like Xion) Side: ( Good ) Team: (Protagonists if there is a team for it?(old)=this is my new 1= In reference to this i have changed to New Orginization XIII. ) Age: ( 14. ) Title:Friend of Dawn Weapon: ( Keyblade called Bane's Edge looks like soul eater but gold instead of black and it has a silver handle Personality: ( Quiet,strategic and analytical,non biased injudgement,slightly a pacifist,short tempered bt has some conrol) Element: ( Dawn ) Background:Odin was going to be the apprentice of Aqua and was trained for a breif time by her.When he talked to Yen Sid,he banished him to ROD,where he gave in a little it to his light which allowed him to escape to Twilight Town.During is aprenticeship he was revealed to be a replica of a mysterious figure who died in the keyblade war,created by an unknown person. This is my new application
  16. Name: ( Gallhard. ) Gender: ( Male. ) Type: Somebody.eg like sora ) Side: ( Good ) Team: (Protagonists if there is a team for it?. ) Age: ( 14. ) Weapon: ( Way to Sanctuary-it is just like one winged angel but it is silver.The other is called Seeper which is like Oblivion but is Gold instead of black. Personality: ( Quiet,strategic and analytical,non biased injudgement,slightly a pacifist,short tempered bt has some conrol) Element: ( Light and Darkness but more emphasis on light(wat would that be twlight????) Background:Gallhard was going to be the apprentice of Aqua and was trained for a breif time by her.When he talked to Yen Sid,he banished him to ROD,where he gave in a little it to his darkness which allowed him to escape to Twilight Town.He created his keyblades on the Clocktower.He eventually met others with the same goal of reawakening kingdom hearts.The reasons why he wants KH open are unknown.He was also cared for by Ansem The Wise and brought to Yen Sid as a baby.
  17. how do i make a poll???????????????????????
  18. 1. wat KH game as the best opening music and...2 who are the least popular protagonists in the game 3. what seems to be the least popular darkness,light or dawn(rikus power) in the series 4.Does any1 else think tht the BBS opening signifies so much in the KH series since it shows Terra running away from darkness and Roxas away from light and Aqua in a blank white space inbetween?
  19. thnks so far guys!but i need MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE,PS some of the writing tips u all gave me helped me get an A in my English NCA!All who helped are truly blessed
  20. Hi Welcome to KH13.com! I am a big fan of KH too! PS:xemnasbane u seriously ROCKKKK!
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