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Everything posted by Bearanort

  1. Competitive Super Smash Bros. players are known to employ a tactic known as “edge camping”. Edge camping can refer to a variety of strategies that involve using the edge of a stage to one’s advantage, but one of these tactics involves intentionally grabbing onto a ledge to prevent your opponent from doing the same. In the new Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, adjustments are being taken to how players can use edges. Alongside the screenshot above, director Masahiro Sakurai stated on Miiverse: “There are many changes being made to attack and defense options for grabbing edges. In this picture, Link is actually trumping Mario’s grab.” Sakurai added that other changes being made in the new games include: Air time and accumulated damage will determine your period of invincibility while hanging on an edge. Grab controls will no longer be affected by whether you have above or below 100% damage. Source: http://www.siliconera.com/2014/01/22/new-super-smash-bros-makes-changes-hanging-edges/
  2. I'm glad that I introduced a friend to the Persona series. ;D

  3. Hope everything goes well in the future. Good luck and take care.
  4. That moment when you are still preparing for your English presentation and you are still not ready but you vounterred to be the first one to pass.

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Go first, get it over with- barely anyone is listening as they're all nervous about having to present themselves, so if you bomb no one notices

  5. Her twitter account got hacked. I heard this from a person on Tumblr.
  6. I'm still waiting for God Eater 2, Tales Of Hearts R, Tales Of Innocence R and Akiba's Trip 2 to come to the US. My PS Vita library need to grow. Next game I'm purchasing is Hatsune Miku Project Diva f.

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      And I hear what you're saying about the guide- I used one for both Persona 3 and 4 so no worries xD

    2. Tails


      You know what game I'm still waiting on? Final Fantasy Type-0. Still waiting Square-Enix

    3. Bearanort


      I almost forgot about that game. Oh well, at least I can still play the japenesse demo of it on my PSP.

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  7. Seriously, they look alike. :ohmy:
  8. I like your profile pic. ;D

    1. Hero of Winds

      Hero of Winds

      Thanks. :D Best of The Creatures right there.

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