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Everything posted by djam2410

  1. i think terra might end up sacrificing himself to save everybody..
  2. yeah i know and ihavent been able to find it anywhere; the scene where he stabs braig and co just to be specific...
  3. does anybody have video of that cutscene by the way? ive been looking for it...
  4. are you really complaining? lol you've played 938402948239 boss battles already with sora in the other games, i think its about time riku has finally got some time in the spotlight
  5. they did ship off kairi from radiant garden though knowing she would be important however
  6. that would actually work quite well; the reason riku is able to resist the darkness and ansem sod is because the one person that was almost able to is influencing and helping riku (terra)
  7. MX says the guardians of light are chosen naturally; meaning if one of the lights is unable to perform, then another light will be chosen who qualifies and Lea qualifies
  8. his hair is much longer and his body is more defined ; he is younger in 3d
  9. i highly doubt that; Terra is his own persona; YMX looks like Terra after MX possessed him because they were fused and were displaying traits of both ; the YMX on the island looks nothing like Terra when you compare them and i would bet my life they are around the same age
  10. guess ill say like what i did in another thread like this; had to sign up cuz it seems like you guys are very clueless as to what was going on in DDD ; when MX had Sora on his side as a vessel, he stated that they need 7 lights and 13 darknesses to start the keyblade war, with sora being the final one; mickey says that him, sora, riku, terra aqua and ven make up 6 with the 7th not known (kairi of course) ; MX states that he has two of the lights on his side and for mickey not to worry as the guardians of light are chosen naturally, basically meaning no matter what, the 7 lights will always be ready regardless of who he makes as his 13 darknesses ; Lea saves Sora, leaving Terra as a vessel, meaning there are 6 lights for them (Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Aqua, and Ven) ; they still needed one more light and Lea was chosen as a guardian of light presumably for his final actions as a nobody and his path towards light in 3D saving Sora and fighting back against XORG13
  11. Lea gained a keyblade because, like what Master Xehanort said at the end of the game, the guardians of light are chosen naturally; he said this when he had sora and terra presumably on his side and as possible vessels for starting the keyblade war; He mentions this to them so they know that once he converts them, it will be a waste trying to gain them back as guardians of light aka keyblade wielders as two new replacements would be chosen to take their place, making his plan unstoppable and not having to worry about there not being enough lights to fight the 13 darknesses; mickey counts himself, aqua, ven, sora, riku, and terra as 6 with one missing (which was kairi of course) ; with the recovery of sora, that left one spot open as terra was/is now a vessel, which means that one light needed to be chosen and it turned out to be Lea; pretty easy to understand if you followed along
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