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About Axel_von_der_Info

  • Birthday 10/10/1989

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  1. I ask me, what happens with Aqua and this mysterious Castle at the Ending of BbS Final Mix...

    1. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      She sees it, investigates its abandoned halls (as it's Castle of Dreams) then moves on to the next world lost in the Realm of Darkness

  2. KH 1 - I saw it in the TV-commercial and said: "I will never buy it!" :blink: A few weeks, I had already forgot this game, looked at the cover, bought it and than I was shocked, because: "I will never buy it!" I was shocked about the Opening grafic, too ( Never seen so much HD ) After it: "Hey, where's the HD???" It was the best game I've ever played! Next game: "Greeeeeaaaaateeeeee!!!!" One more next game: "Yeeeeeeeaaahhhhhh!" And so on ^^ I love it :biggrin:
  3. I played only "Mario Kart 64", "Pokémon Stadion 64" (Minigames), "Mario Party" 1 and 2 and "Snowboard Kids" with my mum. My father hadn't any interest for it, I think that he thought: It's so childish! Oh dear, I was 7 years old...
  4. When I have a new game and if I like it, every day. ^^ (Now it's Pokémon black 2)
  5. In German it's an other sentence: First German, then my translation and after it English. Sora: Der hat sie doch nicht mehr alle. -----> (He is crazy.) Who is this kook? Goofy: Vergiss nicht, dass die Organisation aus lauter Niemanden besteht. Remember, the Organization's made up of Nobodies. Sora: Stimmt, keine Herzen! Right -- no hearts! Demyx: Ach, jetzt sag doch nicht so was. -----> (Oh, don't say something.) Das ist gemein. -----> (This is wicked.) Oh, we do too have hearts! Don't be mad... Nowhere is Demyx' saying... =(
  6. I played Pokémon black 2 and defeated the first leader ^^
  7. "Leider ist dieses Video, das Musik von SME beinhaltet, in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, da die GEMA die Verlagsrechte hieran nicht eingeräumt hat." Great, I can't watch it =(
  8. Hmmm, let's see... Harry Potter and the stone of wise (PS1) bad grafic and VERY linear - Dragonball Final Bout (PS1) bad controlling - Grandia 2 (PS2) bad grafic, sound wasn't be synchronized in a lot of moments (walking for example) - Mission Impossible (N64) bad grafic, bad controlling and too dark - Harvest Moon A wonderful life (Gamecube) too much of confusing.
  9. Of course, yes! But it's the only game for my 3DS now
  10. I only need this "Frequent Friend Trophy", than I have ALL trophies! Yeah... but how I can get it? This are asking all
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