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  1. Like
    Movies798 reacted to AwesomeKHfan for a status update, I have returned:)   
    I have returned:)
  2. Haha
    Movies798 reacted to RikuFangirl2008 for a status update, I was listening to the Heartless Boss Battle music as I was loading up the dishwasher   
    I was listening to the Heartless Boss Battle music as I was loading up the dishwasher and my dad said it sounds like Pomp and Circumstance (the music that is played at a high school/college? graduation). ?
  3. Like
    Movies798 reacted to RikuFangirl2008 for a status update, This may be minor, but be careful when you are checking out KHUXNA tweets. I just blo   
    This may be minor, but be careful when you are checking out KHUXNA tweets. I just blocked someone that posted a snapshot from KH3. So far it's one person. But still.
    Be. On. Your. Guard. 
  4. Like
    Movies798 reacted to AwesomeKHfan for a status update, I have decided to become a hermit untill KH3 releases... I Always enjoyed being alone   
    I have decided to become a hermit untill KH3 releases... I Always enjoyed being alone AND NOW IT'S THE PERFECT TRAIT TO HELP ME SURVIVE THE KH3 SPOILERS
  5. Like
    Movies798 reacted to RikuFangirl2008 for a status update, You all please be careful. Someone is already posting KH3's opening on YouTube.   
    You all please be careful. Someone is already posting KH3's opening on YouTube. 
  6. Like
    Movies798 reacted to RikuFangirl2008 for a status update, So. Who's ready to see that new KH3 trailer today?   
    So. Who's ready to see that new KH3 trailer today? 
  7. Like
    Movies798 got a reaction from Joanie for a status update, Holy crap Joker from Persona 5 will be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a DLC charact   
    Holy crap Joker from Persona 5 will be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a DLC character!!! Best thing in the Game Award 2018!!!
  8. Haha
    Movies798 reacted to AwesomeKHfan for a status update, Sorry for my lack of acyivity here but the amount of KH3 news is so much! I'm happy t   
    Sorry for my lack of acyivity here but the amount of KH3 news is so much! I'm happy that we have marketing but I have to keep more in the shadows now:)
  9. Like
    Movies798 reacted to VocaloidLover13 for a status update, Going to play the KH3 Demo tomorrow for the first time!   
    Going to play the KH3 Demo tomorrow for the first time!
  10. Like
    Movies798 reacted to RikuFangirl2008 for a status update, DROP THAT TRAILER RIGHT NOW!   
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