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About justjack91@cox.net

  • Birthday 03/27/1991

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  1. Agreed. We'll have to chat sometime and get to know each other. Problem is what could we possibly talk about on a Kingdom Hearts forum?
  2. Lol it was an act of humor! Simple sarcasm from a simple person! If you knew me you'd know I was kidding. I wouldn't blatantly just say something like that to be mean (I hope the people that liked it thought I was kidding because I'd be a real d*** otherwise :I ). If it's truly necessary, I am sorry if it was taken the wrong way, but this is the intranet after all. It's kind of important to have a sense of humor. I ain't no cyberbully.
  3. Uh, I was really just joking when I said "You're a bad person." I don't know where this whole argument started between Pokemontrainor and Matthew. Though I'm glad you guys "sort of" patched things up lol. Seriously, I can relate with you Pokemontrainor. We take for granted the fact that not everyone can afford gaming much like any hobby. Electronics are cool but expensive so some people can only borrow a game or patiently save up and get the game after its released (and perhaps on sale). Some never play a particular game at all in a series (especially with how branched out this series has become; good lord lol). A handheld (or a console) is a big thing to buy (ESPECIALLY for one game) for some of us so I respect that in regards to KH. If you're in it for the story, that's what Youtube is for. If you're in it for the combat, borrow a friend's or "get chance and luck." Again, no hatin guys. I was just having fun.
  4. Still think Eraqus is in the picture as a "Light" since he never really "died" (just pulled a Kairi and went into Terra's heart) so he has potential as well. Edit: Also, I think we can have keyblade wielders of light without them necessarily being part of the "7 Lights," so honestly I really think Lea and Kairi will remain supporting characters in the sense that yes, they can fight with a keyblade, but we need everyone to be able to defend themselves now from 13 Xehanorts. It's a new ballgame thanks to his final plan.
  5. Ursalink describes it well. It could be sort of like a "Venom vs. Spider Man" scenario where Sora's darkness took over the armor instead of Sora like a puppet but without getting to Sora. On another note, I want to throw out Vanitas being involved in the armour becoming what it is and Ven's light protecting him as much as possible but only to an extent. But Vanitas is a real mystery in this game in terms of his involvement so I'm not going to assert anything for him until we get more subs up.
  6. It's discussed in the Ansem reports too I believe (even in KH2). If not the reports, then check some of the nomura interviews around the time of KH2 and BBS. It is discussed that their appearance changed when they became nobodies. The only special cases are Roxas (who obviously has connections to Ven's heart and thus has his appearance) and Namine (though she also fits this description a little too).
  7. Dawn Slater and Marley, thanks for the uploads. They were very nice to watch. I'm still waiting for a sub of what Ansem the Wise says to Riku on Destiny Islands. That one's taking forever to put up.
  8. Hey. Name's Jack. Just a quick hello to the forums. Started really getting into the DDD coverage and noticed this site has the most up-to-date material regarding the game so I decided to join so I stay in the know. Pleasure meeting you all.
  9. ^This for me as well. Might not do it one right after the other myself. There will be other games to play after I finish 3D one time through and I look forward to those this summer as well. I think I've beat Kingdom Hearts 2 (whether it be standard or Final Mix) about 5 times now, twice on standard, twice on Proud, and once on Critical (FM) and I've had similar playthroughs on KH1 so based on my track record DDD may end up having something like that as well for my play records.
  10. It's possible he "wished" to do it but couldn't at the time. Might be that the game just stays on the DS. I don't know. I've played all the games as a loyal fan and 358/2 felt more tedious than fun, and it didn't "connect" things the way I'd hoped. Most of it was just "okay, I'll just go do this mission now" and we get a little character development and then nothing for a while. I liked Xion and learning some things about the Organization, but BBS, CoM, and Coded felt somewhat more necessary than 358/2. There certainly was content to the game (both with the single and multiplayer), but I expected more. A "remake" could fix the problems on this game and make it seem more "necessary" but I'm okay just knowing I played it once through and know the story of it well.
  11. One day SE, maybe you'll actually release Japanse and English games together. One day...
  12. This boss seems to be the easiest in the series of secret bosses. All you do is spam curaga and block his attacks. It's mostly your fault if you don't block at the right time as with most of the bosses...particularly the ones in BBS:FM.
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