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About PuellaMagiAquaMagica

  • Birthday 07/10/1995

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  1. To be honest, I did stop liking KH at one point--- that's why I didn't come to this website often anymore. But then, I'm still interested and I still like it so it doesn't count. Hmm. I stop liking crossdressing cute boys, maybe. Especially in real life.... I used to be obsessed that I wanted a boyfriend that could pull a good crossdress.
  2. I sounded much like the mix of Asumi Kana and Yuuki Aoi Maaaybe. You can find my youtube and soundcloud if you dig long enough.
  3. Looks amazing--- I want Sora! Still wishing for Aqua figurine....
  4. There's a possibility. I haven't played KH3D or TWEWY, but it would seems interesting. However, they have to think of a good way for it to happen.
  5. ^I--it's not like I don't like banning you or something!
  6. I believe I told my story before but once again won't hurt with different details. I didn't really follow the series by playing all the games to be honest (the only game I finished myself without too many help from my brother is KHBBS), but the story of KH series itself was amazing, the idea behind it was really cool, and I greatly enjoyed it. It's really rare for an RPG game to be fully enjoyed by me, so KH series is really special for me.
  7. And the best anime of this season ended. It's nice meeting you, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita.

  8. Nope. I don't want any DLC for KH neither I think it'll happen--- except yeah, the DLC is new keyblades and attires not worlds.
  9. Yes please! I want to see Sora's reaction and I wish they'll think of a good way on putting him in KH series!
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