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Everything posted by Dawnstrider

  1. First off hello KH13 first post for me hurray! Alright so have been watching and reading about KH 3D DDD and have spoiled myself. From the info I've gathered I came up with an idea regarding the 7 lights, the 7 princesses, and the 13 darknesses. So by my count thats 14 beings on the light side and 13 beings on the dark side. Throughout the games we have heard about the balance of light and dark and it being important. Also to forge the X-blade you need equal light and dark right? So it looks like light is outnumbering the dark here. However if Kairi is one of the Lights and one of the Princesses it would make the numbers 13 and 13 for the balance of light and dark beings for the final battle. What do you guys think? This also brings up the point since the 13 darkness are unnatural did Xehanort pick 13 as the number knowing one of the princesses would also be a light or is it coincidence you think?
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