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Everything posted by lazyAfternoon

  1. GZ on finishing your KH2FM+CM LV1 run! I think last time I had a go I stopped right before Roxas because BBS finally arrived.. Gotta clear that save someday.

    1. Nikolasvanitas


      roxas fight took me a month to finish,i ragequited so much:) ,give it a try when you have some free time until kh3d is released in europe,it can be fun and i learned more things about the gameplay in kh2 by fighting in lvl 1;)

  2. Hey, thanks! Glad that "our kind" is still out there somewhere.. haha. Not looking down on anyone, of course. It's just not my kind of thing. Thanks! And yeah, KH and KH2 have a dub. Many big voice actors in there, and rather fitting ones as well. They even have the guy who was Reno's German voice in FFVII:AC doing Axel's voice and all that. I'm not a fan of German dubs or dubbing in general, but this time around, they certainly paid attention. I might be a little biased because I was like.. 12? when I played the first game and couldn't tell between good and bad German voices and acting, let alone Japanese and English, but I'm sure you'll be able to have some fun with it. Also, if you ever need someone who's fluent in German to help you with something regarding the language, just send me a message. I don't have any teaching qualities, but I'm capable.
  3. November this year will mark my personal tenth anniversary of playing Kingdom Hearts. After the first game and CoM I turned into the kind of guy that would import the Japanese version, play it, wait for the worldwide release, get either the local one (the German dubs for these games are *the* shit, love 'em) or the American version, play the game again and then, if applicable, buy the Final Mix and play that for the rest of my days every year or so. Couldn't import this time due to the fact that I'm stuck with barely any savings left and looking for a new apartment in another city, but I'll fix that at some point. Rather obviously excluding 3D, I believe I'm somewhat knowledgeable about the overall story. Having challenged myself enough while playing the games I also believe that I know most battle systems inside-out, so if you ever feel like hitting up a random conversation about something along these lines, please be my guest. Other than that.. I don't care about "pairings" and "you're thinking too much into it"-character development. I use the term "fanservice" properly and don't go crazy for Aqua's boobs-physics or dirty fan fiction. I don't feel comfortable going into more personal matters for no reason, but you can AMA if you really want to know something. To sum it up, I'm a rather boring person, but if you want to have a friendly discussion or heated debate.. I'm there. Nonsensical small talk is fine as well. The only languages I feel like I'm capable of conversing in are German and English, so please keep that in mind. Have a nice day, everyone.
  4. I don't think so at all. CoM and Re:CoM were a lot less enjoyable to me and had way more flaws. If I wouldn't be a total sucker about everything Twilight Town-related I'd say even Days (especially the combat -- though the camera was superior to Re:Coded's) is a better candidate for "worst game of the series" Even without keeping in mind what Coded was, how it originated and all that, I was pretty satisfied with Re:Coded as a game. It's nothing to go crazy about, but for what it is, I think it's fairly good. The story is simple to follow for everyone for once, the (translated, can't talk for the original) dialogue is fun to read and has quite a bit of humour. The game is very self-aware, if that's the right way to express this. It's packaged really well. You can jump in and jump out. It's a proper portable game, with all its negative and positive points. While I've been relying on pity-hits in the Avatar Sector, it's a really nice thing to just play for 15 minutes on the train or something and then put it away. It's customisable through the matrix' cheats at any point, so if you haven't played the game for a while and just boot it up out of boredom, you won't be frustrated playing a 0%HP Critical LV1 run just because you felt up to the challenge when you first started playing. The combat is rather smooth. A lot more reliable than Days was. The different commands are a bit bold, but they execute very well. It never felt as stiff as BBS felt at times; it was a lot closer to KH2 than anything else yet (not counting 3D here), so that's a big plus for me. I can see how the lack of a full-blown KH story and the reuse of worlds can strike people as odd. Even some of the criticism regarding the gameplay itself I can perfectly understand, but I had a lot of fun with this game. I guess for casual fans, or all-out fans who expected something different this might not be as easy as it was to me. I can see how people would put this as the "worst game" or "least good game", but definitely have to disagree.
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