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About Sakuraba

  • Birthday 05/04/1994

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  1. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/208/e/0/this_is_a_load_of_barnacles____by_no0dle23-d41w1ge.png
  2. For me I play games that take time to finish so I can enjoy and appreciate more. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png b
  3. I think they should but we can only hope for it.
  4. I haven't thought about Code Lyoko in a long time.
  5. I seriously hate it when people say they want KH for the xbox -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheApprenticeofKingMickey


      if you don't care why are you talking about it

    3. Sakuraba


      Mainly because I don't see why they would want that but yeah I'll try to ignore it.

    4. Protoman


      Why not? Getting a game for a system you actually have is a good thing? It would be nice if once in a while the game makers would try to be more flexible with which system they could put something on.

  6. Okay the people that added me on the 3ds I'm gonna need your friend codes again because I moved my bros games onto my 3ds so my profile got deleted here's my new friend code 4253-3486-7975 also those who want to add me they can.

  7. Didn't even know there was a film, I've only played the game.
  8. Mines 3093 - 7563 - 3505
  9. What 3DS game should I get, Kid Icarus Uprising or Tales of the Abyss?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sakuraba


      I might be able to get both since my birthday is on the 4th.

    3. riku13


      look on youtube for gameplay of both games and if you like them both then get them if you can. youtube is really good for seeing a game in action before buying it just be carefull not to spoil the game.

    4. Not-with-a-whimper


      I agree to the above comment.

  10. Hmmm would say PS3 because there's more RPGs than there is on 3DS.
  11. Sunshine is basically Super Mario 64 but with a water device.
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