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    Homie/Swifter FTW
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  1. well I think *SPOILERS to very ending of KH3D* At the end of KH3D sora goes to 'Sleeping' Traverse Town to recollect with himslef. This seems to me that he may be going back to better himslef via seeing his new TWETY friends since he promised to see them again. In this case, this would be the opening tutorial of KH3 and not the whole game. BTW this is all guess work. I can't figure out how to change the title, help?
  2. I'm sorry for putting possible spoilers in the title. I should have been more thoughtful and not have just slapped on spoilers to fix it. I must say, however, that I put it there so users could know what the topic was about to be able to decide check it out or not. This is my first thread and I am now learning from my mistakes. I will see if I can change the title, however I dont really know how ( but I'll figure it out ) I would just like to say I'm REALLY sorry if I spoiled it for you or anyone else because that can suck when youre trying to wait it out. *slight spoilers* P.S not to be a smart aleck but Time Travel is not a spoiler because that is just a idea created by fans and never officaly happen yet in the series or been pointed out by Normua. (Also I'm a girl-Im not mad tho-- just saying, I keep it blocked normally for saftey) SORRY!! Please forgive my carelessness! -Aquadisney98
  3. OMG!!! You gave such a great explanation! This is what I was looking for!! THANK YOU!! You did awesome!!
  4. YES!!! I compelty agree!!! Thats what I love about the complex stories! Thats what drives me to play nonstop
  5. Yay!! Thank you! I was wondering what they orinaglly meant it to be!
  6. *SPOILERS to BBS/ KH1 and slight to Deep Jungle world in KH1* so in Tarzan's world I noted that while looking at a castle slide, Sora recalls he's been there before but has'nt been there since he's always lived on the island. I strongly believe this is Ven's heart/ memeories however I have doubt in two ways... 1. That they were planing this all the way back four games before BBS came out. 2. It could be kairi's heart/memories from Radiant Graden's castle. What do you think?? Aquadisney98
  7. Hates it when internet explorer is not responding.. :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aquadisney98


      Thanks, i'll google it up to see how to download.


    3. Kirie


      You're welcome.

    4. Setting Sun<3
  8. If you want to quick spoil yourself here-- *SPOILERS* Namine tells a 'fake digital sora' and Mickey that sora has memories and other peoples hearts inside him, like ven and roxas, and he will have to dig deep through the pain one day to rewaken them/ save them. Also sora thanks Namine... yea the only new news in the story is the last seven minutes really... and that MX wil rewakenish.
  9. *SPOLIERS* OK. So I have watch and read up on the story of 3D ALOT and I fully understand the ending BUT I've seen barely anything with The World Ends with You charaters. All I know is that their "world" is sleeping and is Travese Town, but can someone explain to me what roles they play? Are they just like FF charcters that just help sometimes? or do they play large roles? Also I know that there has been alot of confusion with the 13 darkness and how can there be YMZ and terrnort, etc. I've seen alot of time travel theroies, but what are they saying? and it doesnt sound very KHish. Could the answer just be they are diffrent sources of the heart and the body? or just nobody heart confusion? Thanks AquaDisney98
  10. Who else has been pumped seeing SlyFox play KH1? seeing old memories and making new ones!!

  11. :( I just lost the game..., but I've won all the Kh ones :)
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