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Everything posted by Laaniie

  1. I've played all the games you mentioned besides .hack//versus and guilty dragon. ^.^I've also watched the anime and read the manga and light novels.Its been a while since I've played/watched anything to do with the series though
  2. The only games I don't finish are ones that I don't like, because why force myself to play a game I don't like when there are so many other games out there that I will enjoy. Right now the only games I haven't finished are Ni No Kuni, White Knight Chronicles and Folklore. Might give then another shot later on down the track but for now I have other games to play. I'm trying to finish Resonance of Fate just now I'm about 3/4 through that game.
  3. The only thing I don't own is the GBA version of Chain of Memories ^-^
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5MkQtZOv88 Wasted a whole day making this xD I have too much free time. I wish Uni would just start already xD
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amber Cole

      Amber Cole

      you sound a lot like Mira!

    3. Laaniie


      So do I xD I'm kinda nervous because it's my first year but I can't wait either xD it's been too long since I had school.


      Oooh @Amber, really?? I was just messing around. I didn't have work or anything today so I was sooooo bored so I made the video.

    4. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      Yeah, I'm kinda nervous about going too. But simultaneously I'm excited because I get to meet new people! :D

  5. Yeah it was good ^^ I got accepted into the university I wanted to go to and I managed to get myself a new part-time job
  6. Hmmm I have:PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP, Gameboy Advance SP, a DS, 3DS, Xbox, Xbox 360 and a Wii ^-^ and I plan on buying a PS4 sometime in the near future
  7. o.O all these earthquakes are starting to freak me out a little.

    1. RoxSox


      punch the ground until it stops

    2. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      Jump on the earth.


      Seriously though Eartyquakes are kinda serious so I hope that nothing happens.

  8. This sounds awesome! ^_^ I play the alto saxophone and the guitar (classical/ acoustic with an electric plugin) I don't want to say 'I'm in' and make a commitment that I'm not 100% sure about yet. But I'm definitely interested! ^_^
  9. Five. Two times back when used to live in Scotland and then three times in New Zealand ^_^
  10. Writing an essay for English... I could probably think of a billion other better ways to spend my Sunday night >.<

    1. Dracozombie


      I know that feel. Trust me, I'm an English major.

    2. Dave


      I can't. I miss writing essays. >_< Though I was in History.

    3. Dracozombie


      How much I enjoy writing depends on the subject matter or the stakes involved. Writing for business or enjoyment is not the same as writing an essay on poetry theory. *shudder*

  11. 3rd year of Spanish, and I just started learning Japanese at the start of this year ^_^
  12. I used to be one of the smarter people in my classes....but they got harder and I didn't get any smarter xDSo now, my grades aren't the best, but they're enough to pass ^_^
  13. Both ^_^ but I mainly play on an acoustic with an electric plugin though
  14. I play guitar myself too, I totally understand what you mean. It takes a lot of practice to achieve that level of technical skill, I love watching and learning from people like that
  15. ^_^ these are so cool, I actually love them. Just awesome.
  16. Hmmmm. Probably... Yuno from Mirai NikkiAccelerator from To Aru Majutsu No IndexHaseo from .hack//Rin from Ao No Exorcist
  17. Next exam in three days time.....I should study.... but playing a video games are so much better! :D

    1. VanitasisKirby


      Noooooooo, go study! >83

  18. :O I get my kh game tomorrow :D I CAN'T WAIT! ^_^
  19. Eb games (gamestop) just shipped out my kh3d game!! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png so excited.
  20. Watching code lyoko ^_^ ahh, I remember watching this when I little :D

  21. Just finished portal 2, I love the ending as all the turrets sing Cara Mia <3 just awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 143436611Xxcc


      gLAdos is my fav


    3. Laaniie


      I feel kinda sorry for wheatly, stuck out in space with that space core

    4. 143436611Xxcc


      meh he was an ass..

  22. My solo wasn't half as scary as I thought it was gonna be >.< I did preeety good :P

  23. I'm now reeealy freaking about my sax solo tomorrow, we're supposed to write like a speech thing about the 2 songs we're playing and I haven't even written that yet >.<

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