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Everything posted by TheDarKris

  1. No keyblades, no PSP, no 3DS, no RPG's (My life).
  2. I'm on the "IDGAF what you do" side of the spectrum but I feel like sex can be turned into something negative if done wrong. Using someone or tricking someone into having sex is one of the worse things you can do, and in that case, you SHOULD feel bad about using someone else. People aren't tools to be used then thrown aside when you're done. Now that my rant is over, if you are responsible, practice safe sex, and don't hurt anyone, go ahead no one's stopping you.
  3. Saw as a tweet from Machinima so just wondering what weapon you would want from a game? FYI: If you pick Keyblade, only a specific one, and no repeats, so I pick No Name V2 x3
  4. "If you could bring one video game weapon into the real world, which one would it be?" Duh, KEYBLADE X3

  5. Pokemon ragequitters xP

    1. Shana09


      lol what xDDDD

  6. I've been watching on toonami and its effed up but its sooooo good Shiro's sis is a beyotch lol

  8. She's my age, so 16/17 Yeah I'm not a good conversation starter.
  9. My cousin from California is here in New York for the summer so my mom wants me to hang out with her and give her something to do while she's here. Well, IDK WHAT TO DO!!!!!!! Ok yeah I can take her to the mall and go do stuff with her but I don't really feel comfortable hanging with her by myself. In my opinion I'm really boring and when I go out to do stuff, I'm use to doing my own thing so I really wouldn't know what to do to keep things interesting (don't want my cousin to be bored). I'm only comfortable around people that I generally know well, and I've only spent time with my cousin on two occasions: once when I was little, and last year when I went to California. Honestly idk what to do or if I can do anything.
  10. Tynamo, or Zebstrika, which do I keep o.o?

    1. TheDarKris


      Still, smack down is a thing xD


    2. TheDarKris


      Plus who wants to wait till level 69 (ha xD) to get zap cannon xP

    3. Shana09


      You don't even get it for Zebstrika.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  11. I did that with a scyther and rhydon, only for the evolution glitch for the gen 4 games
  12. "Can you feel it, the moons power?!" Saix, are you a bloodbender o.o

    1. AverageGoddess



      That would be so creepy, but AWESOME... then he'd be hard to defeat .__.

    2. TheDarKris


      If he was, o.o I don't wanna imagine >___<

  13. If they got a red 3DSXL I'd hop on it, till then I'll enjoy my current 3DS
  14. There once was a man named Giovanni, who had a son named Xeanort xD

    1. wayfinder823


      I think it'd be the other way around, but I believe it. ;)

    2. TheDarKris


      I named my rival in HG Xeanort (no h cause no room) and since I just found that out from the Celebi event, well yeah ^^

  15. I got Infamous and dead nation, I really wanted LBP though T.T
  16. Soon to have Togekiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I get excited when I get top comment on youtube >w

    1. KeyBladeMaster01


      It fells funny >.< I got it onnce and I didn't even realized.

  18. Dammit I don't even have generations yet >p<!!!
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