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Everything posted by TheDarKris

  1. Well considering the game's still in development........ nah that's not fun. Hulk Smash!
  2. Riku and Kairi as playable characters. One can dream......
  3. Genesis, as a secret boss, cause I thought they'd do it in BBS since they had Zack .-.
  4. I want my name changed to "TheDarKris" for personal branding reasons .3.
  5. Ventus is the OG Bladedancer

  6. The amount of times that I pop back in on this site......

  7. I wanna be a hero, hero.

  8. I have not, mainly cause my phone ran out of space for those. I've been religiously listening to Monstercat albums :cool:. Once KH3 releases with it's soundtrack though, I'll be all over that.
  9. Those last two post were about what I was looking for in terms of a response, since they are similar in the way that I feel about the topic. BTW: looks like it was a pretty good paper save being short 1 page of the recommended 5 pages ^__^:
  10. Bike-riding and Snowboarding. I like the feel of the wind when I go fast & when I'm going down a hill. It makes me feel free
  11. So I did my final project for my Sociology class on this topic and I wanted to ask you all a question and get your guy's thoughts. So basically the question is: What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a man with self body-image issues?
  12. I could have sworn that was in a cutscene, but I haven't played that in a while sooooooo.....
  13. Veeeeeery little....................... don't hurt me ._.
  14. Mega Charizard vs Mega Gyrados, Charizard won. CHYABOOIIIIII!!!

  15. I bought a 2DS bundled w. Pokemon Y and I re-bought KH3D. Now I have a new reason why I haven't done my schoolwork.....

  16. Back from my annual hiatus.

  17. If you are not into Avatar, you should be. That last ep. was EPIC!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. keybladeknight
    3. Hei


      did you see the buff carrot spirit? he was awesome

    4. Shana09


      i love the giant pear emoticon spirit

      it was adorable


      along with the pig chickens

  18. Ha, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 is still ReMIX cause of Re: Coded and the two FM x3

  19. Just realized Senor Fluffy is a Cat/Dog o.o I kept calling him a cat oh lawd xP

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