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Remains of Old

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Everything posted by Remains of Old

  1. I was going to answer you politely, but you said that there are spin offs in the KH series, which there aren't, and that pisses me off because of reasons. Ok, ok, all i've got to say is... Time Travels firetrucks up almost EVERY game, in a way that it's kinda hard to understand. Most games with time travel get everything explained in a single game, but since Nomura is a genius troll, he keeps making us wait for more and more epic games... So, all we can do, is wait for KH3, then we are probably going to understand time travel easily. Just realized i owe Nomura a lot of stuff, he made my life much better.
  2. Punch the Mii owner, and go to jail. The End. Ok, no, seriously, that's scary, i'll try to search a bit on the internet and see if anyone got similar problems.
  3. Kingdom Key only, No dodge related abilities, only guard. Only basic magic, like fire, not fira or firaga. No cure, only potions. No partner abilities, only the basics, like attack and use basic magic for Goofy and Donald. You can go all in in the final battle with Xemnas.
  4. I'm hoping for a secret ending in KH3 that shows BBSV2.
  5. I think if Kairi was her own guardian, that would be awesome. Also, i think that in the beginning of KH3, Lea will be said to be a Light, but... At a certain point, Lingerin Will appears, and backstabs Terranort with his keyblade, and when that happens, the ''armor'' lingering will is, will fall, and Terranort will get his Terra hair back, and Terra will be back, also making MX appearing again. Terra will be the true 7th light, now as a pure person, who managed to 100% control darkness for good. Well, i really like Lea rather then Terra, but i'm just trying to think like Nomura (Which gives me headaches and my nose bleeds)
  6. It seens Square Enix decided to do a Kingdom Hearts without Disney, this is what they got. Ok, ok, just kidding, i don't think that at all. Versus XIII/ XV is at the moment my favorite Final Fantasy game, and it will probably be my favorite one, not better and not worse then the KH series, i'm in love with the stories. Noctis in KH3/future KH would make me explode from happiness.
  7. I have the KH 2Final Mix +, ordered from PlayAsia, but the the first Final Mix, i don't, but i beated it on a PS2 emulator. And the BBS Final Mix, i downloaded it... Illegaly .-. These Final Mixes make my collection feel so incomplete...
  8. I've played all of them, except for DDD, i'm still waiting for my Mark of Mastery edition to arrive. By the way, that's preety cool! KH3 being 13th O.o
  9. Yeah, but i think it's better to read the whole post, not only the title, before saying there are other posts about the same thing.
  10. Just by the music, i'm sure it's TWEWY 2 or something...
  11. Final Fantasy I,2,4,7,8,10,13, and Dissidia Duodecim. Also, with VII, i mean all of them!
  12. They really should make a Days remake. For gameplay and graphical reasons, it would be epic. For the plot, a secret ending would be amazing. Also, more cutscenes like the one with Saix and Axel, and Saix calls him Lea.
  13. If this is a theory, i love this theory. If this was confirmed, i love KH even more.
  14. Yes, i love them, keep them coming! Altough i'm depressively-sad that i lost the drawing one .-.
  15. I'm cheering for a power where Roxas's essence flows outside Sora, and we get to play as Roxas for a short time.
  16. Just realized my life would be happier if i had a cat.

    1. CloakedSchemerX


      A cat? please. I chemically fused my dog AND my cat to create an animal i named...Meow Wow.

    2. Roxie


      I can't have a cat

    3. Remains of Old

      Remains of Old

      Yeah, neither do i. All my family except ME are allergic to cats. Not only that, they hate cats. While i've been in love with cats since forever, and can't have one .-.

  17. 1. I think some might turn out to be good guys at KH3, and some might be important for the next saga. 2.I think that, at Destiny Islands, it was an actual dream Sora had, with all of his memories, a bit before Yen Sid did his magic. At Yen Sid's tower... is he with KH2 hair? I don't remember. 3.I guess he's preparing us for even more secrets being uncovered in KH3
  18. I hate these kinds of videos, but this one, i loved this one! Marluxia's, Axel's, Luxord and Saix+Xemnas were great, but i think Luxord was the best at the end.
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