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Everything posted by Smithee

  1. You see... Darkness is Magic's TRUE essence.
  2. @Firaga Sensei, The Ruthless Aggression Era was awesome as well. But the PG Era has essentially buried both the midcard and the Divas (ESPECIALLY the Divas).
  3. Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: Equestria Girls) --> Yes, I'm a Brony. No, I don't like the most incompetent and rushed villain in the franchise. Also, I nominate her for having the worst Heel-Face Turn of all time.Donkey Kong('s newer voice) (newer Mario Kart games) --> Good God... now he sounds like Patrick Star getting prison-raped! GO BACK TO HIS MARIO KART 64 VOICE, NINTENDO!!!
  4. IMO: 1. Hornswoggle (WWE) --> Ruined Finlay's, Chavo Guerrero's, and Carlito's careers, killed the Cruiserweight Championship and Division, bombed the Illegitimate McMahon and Anonymous GM storylines, and is just a dancing cancer that needs to be fired. PLEASE, WWE!!! PLEASE!!!
  5. 1. MX 2. YMX 3. Ansem SOD 4. Xemnas 5. Braig/Xigbar 6. Isa/Saix 7. Terranort (past)? 8. Vanitas? 9. Repliku? 10. ??? 11. ??? 12. ??? 13. ??? ...I guess...?
  6. My opinion on the whole Terra/MX/Eraqus mess: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dCrc0GWHxM
  7. I really hope this is just a rumor. I just became a brony earlier this year, and YouTube is my contingency for my lack of The Hub! Not to mention the countless fan videos... If this actually happens, I'm seriously abandoning my straight-edge lifestyle and abusing my very first substances.
  8. Nightmare Moon = Maleficent Trixie Lulamoon = Eddie Brock Discord = Q Queen Chrysalis = Ursula King Sombra = Sauron Alicorn Amulet = Venom Symbiote What could've been: Sunset Shimmer = Lex Luthor What was instead: Sunset Shimmer = Diamond Tiara http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQlLu0JvsOI
  9. TNA's seemingly about to go up for sale soon... hopefully to someone who can redeem it...
  10. The next 'Big Bad' will be Princess Celestia from "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic"; she'll be a light extremist seeking revenge on all darkness because a Heartless stole all her cakes. That is all.
  11. No. 1 reason why DDD pissed me off: STILL no "Terra/MX/Eraqus"-related clarification.
  12. @DAMN- Admittedly: KH1, Coded, BBS, & DDD = 'Light Is Good' & 'Dark Is Evil' COM, KH2, & Days = 'Balance Between Good (Light) And Evil (Darkness)' Kind of sending us mixed tropes/messages, aren't you, Nomura? P.S.- I actually prefer light over darkness; I just hate how light seems to get 'The Worf Effect' from darkness over and over again, so I feel light really needs to bad@$$ up (which is why my favorite BBS character's actually Eraqus; he's like, "Light shouldn't have to be darkness' b***h, and should even strike preemptively if necessary.")
  13. KH3 needs to somehow show how too much light's just as bad as too much darkness (remember COM and KH2 saying this?); we've seen a BUTTLOAD of the latter, but NONE of the former. Plus, some of MX's eventual Laser-Guided Karma should be him having to watch a very "tyranny of light"-like backlash BECAUSE of his darkness-based actions.
  14. Flame me if you want, but I don't want MX as the final boss (I already saw that $#** in BBS); have it be someone/something surprising, not milked-dry. He'll inevitably be in the final battle, true, but if he's "it," I'll fricking EAT MY TV!!! P.S.- I'm back, after a half-year hiatus! What was I doing, you ask?
  15. I've been nothing but patient with you guys, but it's like you're deliberately trying to piss me off. I've provided the so-called "proof" you seek, and even when faced with direct quotes, you keep trying to twist my words to make yourselves sound right. For the last firetrucking time, Ven's Heart would've "belonged to (MX)" just as much as Sora's, not "become a vessel". You just do not listen, no matter how many times I repeat myself. I'm out of this thread. Permanently. It's not worth my time to argue with trolls like you.
  16. I've never once "admitted" anything of the sort; now you're just putting words in my mouth. Which you've done time and time again, I've noticed. Except MX didn't say "vessels", he said "belong to me now". I just explained that and why that could also apply to Ven's situation (fused with Sora, who was at that time an about-to-be vessel), and here you are putting words in my mouth just like FL. Also, Nomura flat-out said MX's Heart-fragments are intended to take over the Darknesses' Hearts as well. PS: Please stop Liking every single one of each other's posts just because you disagree with RoxSoxKH and me; it's really immature.
  17. Actually, he said, "But Sora and another on your list belong to me now." If Ven's Heart was in a (potential) vessel, then logically MX would regard that as "belonging to him" as well. I'm not arguing with you anymore. It's annoying, and you have yet to give adequate proof enough to dissuade me.
  18. Xemnas most likely realized the Sora-Ven connection upon seeing Roxas's physical appearance ("Why does Sora's Nobody look like Ven?"). Not to mention MX flat-out admitted to knowing about Ven's missing Heart.
  19. Probably, due to Xemnas's experiences with Roxas.
  20. Ajexmi - I agree on present-Terra (Light) and past-Terranort (Darkness). RoxSoxKH - MX could've been talking about Ven in Sora.
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