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Everything posted by cityincolour

  1. Xion is Sora, so she wouldn't be princess of heart. Technically, she's not really female either as different people project different genders unto her, so I'm not sure "princess" would work. It's because Namine is Kairi that the question arises. I think it would be so interesting if Kairi protected Namine who became the princess of heart. Namine is always associated with white--a pure, light color. A color that means purity; the essence of a princess of heart.
  2. Axel, Namine, Roxas, and Xion all have hearts I think. I think Roxas started with Ven's heart but doesn't need it heart anymore if he has his own. I also think that his heart or feelings and Sora's need to "combine" since they together "make up one existence", according to Namura.
  3. Whatever happens, I agree. I want a proper ending for Roxas, Namine. Axel was very close to Namine in the novels too, so I always like their friendship lol. It was like big brother/little sister. Of course it's the novels, so I don't know if it will be translated to the game (though the final mix was added scenes from the novels).
  4. yes lol, but there are some who wonder why he lost MoM. As the main character, he deserves development and sometimes that means losing.
  5. He did but Nomura said in an interview it was only data Sora, so it is still implied that he needs to thank her. It could be that Kairi and Namine make up one extistance like Roxas and Sora, so by extension she could be considered a princess of heart. I think Roxas basically said in that scene with Sora that he won't be his "own" person because he is Sora; there is no distinction like Sora was saying which Roxas emphasized with bringing his memories to Sora's surface. I would imagine the same goes for Namine. But this is just speculation and an interpretation of that scene.
  6. Sora says that Axel, Namine, Roxas, and that girl (Xion) all have hearts. He feels Axel, Roxas, and Namine's emotions through Roxas's memories and when he meets XIon, he feels her sorrow and cries. So she does have a heart. I imagine she will still have a story. There's that book "the truth about Namine" and Sora still hasn't said thank you.
  7. Riku will be training her, so it's not unlikely for her to improve. Axel's going to be learning too, but no one expects him to suck lol. Though Axel does have battle experience.
  8. In that scene Roxas has with Sora, he was saying that they are one person. Sora said no, Roxas is Roxas and should be his own person. Roxas says that him being his own person, means being Sora ("that is why it has to be you"). He and Sora make up one existence and instead of trying to be like Sora, he needs to be half of Sora--equal in persona. Roxas brings his feelings into Sora's consciousnesses to emphasis this.
  9. I don't think appearance or gender matter in wielding a keyblade, but I think people just don't like Kairi having one because of her "damsel in distress" behavior in the past. It's hard to change people's perceptions of a character like that. It takes time. This is a start and people will start to warm up to it if she's given some proper, believable development (which people do not think is possible because of their perception).
  10. Namine is with Kairi right now whom we didn't see much of. I'm hoping we will see her more in the next game since Kairi will be more prominent. There's that book "the truth about Namine" that we still haven't gotten chance to read as well. Roxas says he will stay in Sora, so I'm assuming Namine will stay with Kairi, but hopefully we will see more of them before the series ends. Namine is my favorite lol. She still has things that need to be resolved as well. Namine with a keybalde? Yes please!
  11. lol I thought so, so I put it may not be as detailed as requested. I get what you mean though; I'll have to figure it out myself.
  12. Shit happens.....Kingdom hearts 3D lol jk I'm not sure if it's as detailed at wanted but here
  13. Does anyone know of a translation of the scene with Namine and Xion?
  14. I'm not sure if Roxas has completely become one with Sora after he gives him his memories. I hope not yet! I want Roxas around as much as possible lol.
  15. People don't like Kairi because she doesn't do anything...now that's she's doing something they hate her for it? It's kind of a confusing and hypocritical logic lol. Not that everyone who hates Kairi is that way, but if one doesn't like her for being useless than why be mad when she's being the opposite?
  16. Roxas isn't dead; he is apart of Sora. Roxas brings his memories to the surface of Sora's subconscious. Xion also brings her sadness to Soras' surface and he cries. He realizes that Axel, Roxas, Namine, and "that girl" (Xion but nobody remembers who she is) all have hearts. Even though Axel and Namine are not apart of Sora like Roxas and Xion, he still feels their emotions through Roxas's memories of them. All of these emotions "crush" Sora. They make him feel despair because he is not used to such sorrow. He now needs to go and learn to grow through these feelings, which, as we know, takes time.
  17. I love him too! There's a large part of me that wants him to be his own person (as well as Namine), but from a literary point of view, the symbolism of him becoming one with Sora feels right.
  18. I agree. I think Mickey needs to be involved and Donald and Goofy are always there. But if we're talking keyblade wielders only, I guess Aqua and Ven.
  19. I think Sora needs to grow still. He was just bombarded with a lot of pain and he needs to manifest this into something useful instead of the heavy burden it must feel like right now.
  20. I don't think anyone remembers Xion. That may be how Sora saves her; bringing her memory back. After Sora get Roxas's memories, he still doesn't know Xion's name, calling her "that girl" and we don't see her in Roxas's memory, indicating she is still forgotten. For Axel, nothing was done to make him remember her, so he is there for Roxas who he has accepted as Sora.
  21. Saving doesn't necessarily mean being his own body. I think it means Roxas needs to be one with Sora, not dominated by him, not erased. Even if we take personality out of the equation, Roxas is physically Sora though, isn't he? His body is made from Sora. I'm not trying be combative lol, it's just that I agree with you that Roxas being Sora doesn't work right now. That's what this scene is pointing out. Roxas and Sora need to have Sora's memories and Roxas's memories be one in the same. Sora is having trouble because Roxas just slapped him with a lot of pain and that's something Sora needs in order to grow and become one with his counterpart. Sora is going to be hurt by these memories, but that is a part of a person's development. Namine was trying to prepare him for that pain. Sora failing is development. Someone cannot go from a happy-go-lucky-guy to all that pain and not be crushed. It will take time for that pain to become a part of who he is, as is true in reality, but this makes us who we are. We go from being crushed to being a new person. Sora will learn a new level of compassion.
  22. Roxas and Xion are in Sora, so I guess they can't really be around physically right now. Ventus is still sleeping, even though he stirred. They don't know where Terra is right now, I think.
  23. Yes, but that was what this scene was about--Roxas saying that they need to stop thinking of each other as separate beings. Roxas says no, we are not two different people. You have my feelings in you because my feelings are your feelings. There is no Roxas and Sora; there is you. This takes place in Sora's dreams, his subconsciousness. That means these memories are already in him, Roxas brings them to the surface, which starts the process of combing these two personalities. Basically, I tried being you but I realize I need to be me because I am you. My personality, my feelings, are part of the equation that makes up Sora. Which is why it is more of a process for Roxas and Sora to combine themselves and why it took a while for Roxas to understand.
  24. But Axel grew a heart as well and still became Lea, his true self. I think people do not feel they have lost Axel because Lea looks so much like him. With Roxas and Namine, it feels different because they look so different, we feel we are losing them but ultimately it's the same things that happened with Axel. With Roxas bringing his memories to the surface for Sora, it helps combine them in personalty as well. I think saving Roxas and Namine doesn't mean they become their own people. I think it means bringing their selves into Sora and Kairi. Instead of one being dominate over the other, they need to be one being--same with Xion. That feels sad for fans because I know for myself, I like Namine and Roxas. In fact I like them more than I do Kairi and Sora lol. But maybe I'm wrong.
  25. Thank you I wonder if Roxas will get to be his own person outside of Sora. Part of me feels like KH2 was all about understanding that they are one being and there is no need to be separate, but I like Roxas so much I want him around lol. I don't think Roxas and Namine have disappeared but found themselves. Axel is whole as Lea and I think since Sora and Kairi are around, Namine and Roxas are whole as Sora and Kairi. They are unique in having their counterparts. That was what their conversation to each other was about before they joined Sora and Kairi. Which I think is funny because: Namine: "So we can be together again!" Roxas: "Right, as long as Sora and Kairi are together." Kairi :"We'll be together everyday. Right, Sora?" Sora: "Uh...yeah!" *Not too long after Sora leaves Kairi and goes on adventure* Xion is interesting. In that scene where Sora sees Namine, she turns into Xion. I think this is because Sora mistakes Xion for Namine. Namine is Kairi and Xion is kind of like Sora's memories of Kairi. Sora cries, feeling Xion's sadness at being a mere reflection of a memory. I'm not sure what will happen with her. My guess is that she will remain in Sora but hopefully feel complete like Roxas will.
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