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About MasterRikuNort

  • Birthday 01/21/1995

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  1. HELL TO THE firetruck NAH! Bring my niggas from final fantasy back! add vincent valentine too. add frog from chrono trigger.
  2. Well THATS because xehanort had no clue of the battle that went down in vens heart, noone knew besides aqua... so he thought it just failed, but that WAS a X-blade.
  3. dude you SAW the x blade, and Kingdom hearts was open, he just shattered it before it was fully murged, but that was the X blade...
  4. the key did work with ven and vanitas, ven just whooped its firetruckin ass and destroyed the x blade vanitas and his own heart.
  5. Vincent Valentine should save aqua a few times in the RoD.
  6. Master Xehanort or Xemnas, Master Xehanort is insane... and Xemnas is like YMX 5-10 years later (before you go trolling me about what i just said, i meant in looks, i understand he is the nobody of terranort, im saying he looks like a 20-25 year old YMX). but YMX on BBS was hard as firetruck, but so was Xemnas on KH1 Final mix.
  7. OKAY! i get it now! quit makin me feel like an idiot, man.
  8. Watch the video below, the ending at least. -One YMX is frozen -Could that be a different YMX that appeared? - Same stance as terra -Terras battle theme comes on (the same song as Lingering Sentiment Battle) -Mickey says, No way thats-!
  9. The three Goons are deffinately awesome, but i think ven's a true goon, he never chose to be the x-blade but he shattered his own heart to save his friends! *plays vens theme* bask in the sadness of the music!
  10. Yea, let me put MP Rage on Donald and Tornado on Goofy, Master Xehanort is goin down haha.
  11. yea but thats just weird... i like axel and saix man...
  12. dude that picture is disguisting
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