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Dracula X

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Everything posted by Dracula X

  1. How crazy is my imagination? I just maped out A DCTVerse (Arrow, Flash, Supergirl and Legends Of Tommorow) and Castlevania crossover in the vain of the the Kingdom Hearts series.

    1. WakingDawn96


      Please tell me Alex and Maggie get to be in it and actually meet other people this time around instead of just staying in their Earth version!

  2. Turns out the creator of Wonder Woman was into bondage and BDSM. Which is why she ties people up and her weakness is when A man binds her bracelets together. You learn new things everyday.

    1. MythrilMagician


      Kinky, I guess...

  3. Would you guys still like Kingdom Hearts if Sora, Rocas and Ventus were girls?

    1. DoDo4869
    2. MythrilMagician


      Some more female protagonists would be nice, but the protagonist's gender isn't a reason to play a game.

    3. Green Sparrow

      Green Sparrow

      amen @MythrilMagician

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  4. Anyone remember the KH2 Parodies that came out in 2005-2006? Those were the times.

    1. tineshkr


      Yesssss the ones in Japanese with English subtitles

    2. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      I'm surprise it stop before BBS came out. Hopefully KH3 will bring them back.

  5. I came back in time for KH leaks and rumors that's been going on the twitter.....2018 might be the year

    1. Clouded Sun
    2. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      He speaks in Spanish, so you'll have to get a translator or something.

    3. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      He's also very reliable from whom I'm told

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  6. I completly forgot I had an account here....Its been like 3 years or so? But I'm back, how's it going people of KH13?

  7. Master Xehanort looks like a creepy ass old man.

    1. AuraAce


      That's cause he is.

    2. WakingDawn96


      Seriously, is he anything else than that?

  8. What if SE pulls a Master Chief Collection and release all KH games for the PS4 before KHIII comes out? Maybe not since we're getting 2.5 this year and 1.5 last year

    1. Josuke Higashikata

      Josuke Higashikata

      That would be an interesting idea though.

  9. So, I just found this...https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/10417736_784739488233097_6747549485722903820_n.jpg

    1. Zola


      That would explain Ansem's eye color xD

  10. Sleep brings release, and the hope of a new day.

  11. Politics are overrated.

  12. Tomb Raider 2!

    1. The Transcendent Key

      The Transcendent Key

      Wait, what!? Your not trying to troll me, right!? OMG, Tomb Raider 2! :D

    2. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      Nope, its called Rise of the Tomb Raider


  13. WHERE'S CONKER'S BFD 2!?!?

  14. Call of Duty: Same shit, every year.

    1. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      I actually think it looks a lot better. And I hate CoD.

    2. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      I'm interested in Kevin Spacey in this game


    3. Kaweebo


      I just want to ride in a robot suit.

  15. Of course, the one time i have to work in the afternoon is today.

  16. Dat KHIII teaser.

  17. I've been gone 2 months.....It feels like 8.

  18. We all have secrets. The ones we keep, and the ones that are kept from us.

  19. So when they release KH 2.5 remix, are they gonna remake Dearly Beloved from KH2 and BBS? They are already perfect.

    1. Shulk


      Not as perfect as the KH1 and KH Days versions. :D

    2. lea12345


      I don't know but we need a release date already I:

  20. Smaug the Dragon is the final form of Xehanort: " The darkness is coming"

  21. I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.

  22. Scream for me!

    1. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      He breathes out igneous rocks of fire.

    2. Show next comments  12 more
  23. Since a KH game is suppose to come out every year, what will be release in 2015 after KH 2.5? I doubt it'll be KHIII....Maybe a remake of KH Chi....

    1. Caity


      KH Online/BBSV2/A KH movie on BBSV2/DDD port?/WiiUPort


      I would say a side game (I actually want a side game of Kairi's training to set her up to just be ready for KH3) butNomura said no more side games... Shame

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