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Dracula X

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Everything posted by Dracula X

  1. Tupac came back......For one night. That was awesome

    1. Wolfgang



      HE IS MY HERO.

    2. Koko


      no, i meant is, not was, because that would be saying he isn't great anymore. he is amazing, dead or alive, and there should be more people like him

    3. Wolfgang




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  2. From what I heard in the reviews, The Avengers is gonna blow your mind away, especially if your a comic book fan boy....Stay at the end of the film. My lips are sealed.

  3. I miss Billy Zane as Ansem.....Why the hell didn't he come back?!

    1. Waller-pearson


      a meaningless effort, one who knows nothing can understand , NOTHING

  4. I've been wondering about this, but does KH3D remind you of Inception?

    1. WakingDawn96


      I never seen that movie, but I heard so much to think the same as you.

  5. You shouldn't have done that........

    1. Shard the Gentleman

      Shard the Gentleman

      My eyes... They took...

  6. Here comes the pain!

  7. Nightmare Armor, Young Master Xehanort, Juluis. WHich is the toughest boss in KH3D?

    1. Shana09
    2. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      I'm just asking which boss is the toughest in KH3D

    3. darkchaser


      but some of these bosses can be spoils right now

  8. That pasta nearly gave me nightmares......I will never play N64 the same again.
  9. The Kingdom Hearts creepypasta kinda freak me out.

  10. Kingdom Hearts III: The epic conclusion to the Xehanort Legend......Got that off The Dark Knight Rises trailer, but its that epic.

  11. My "friends" from high school are fricking morons.

    1. Kirie


      There are no friends in this world. :(

    2. Koko


      that's pessimistic to say lol

    3. Dracula X
  12. I'm more excited for The Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man then The Dark Knight Rises......They need to release a new trailer

    1. Deadshot


      Am afraid avengers will turn into 2 hours of watching things explode but i'm hoping it wil be good.Amazing Spider-Man i'm pumped for.I would like to see new TDKR trailer but it's good knowing less about a film heading in.

  13. Xehanort is the Count Dracula of Kingdom Hearts...He has alot of forms....

    1. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      Xehanort is voldemort

    2. Keyblade King 12

      Keyblade King 12

      Haha. Very true.

    3. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      I laugh if Xehanort does the nyeah!

  14. I got into an arguement with someone on a KH13 youtube video showing one of the scenes and he was complaining about how the channel spoiled the game for him and he was unsubcribing. So I told him he needed to stay off the internet and he blocked me. Assclown

    1. Loki


      Some people expect the internet to hide its darkest secrets when they dont want to be spoiled. Ah, to be ignorant...

    2. Dracula X
    3. Yuzuki


      Haha wow. Are they new to the internet or something? If you want to avoid spoilers, you pretty much have to avoid anything related to it.

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  15. Just saw The Hunger Games......I think Sora and Katniss would be a kickass team together!

    1. Number XV

      Number XV

      Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, I've seen some good crossover fics.

    2. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      True, unless the author knows what he/she is doing.

    3. TheApprenticeofKingMickey
    4. Show next comments  39 more
  16. Hello fellow KH fans, I just join and hope to make friends and talk about the series I can't stop obessing over since 2002. Lonh live Kingdom Hearts!
  17. There's only one true ending and a secret ending. I thought it was gonna have multiple endings when I first heard of it.
  18. This should be a meme..... But what would it say?
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