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Dracula X

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Everything posted by Dracula X

  1. That Dark Knight footage.....MOVIE OF THE FREAKING YEAR!

  2. 1 lunatic, 1 ice pick........Thats the fifth zombie like attack in the last few weeks! the hell's wrong with this planet?

    1. Keyblade King 12

      Keyblade King 12

      I think some of them are fake though. There's just been these outbreaks of rumours on the internet, since that one guy who got high off bath salts or whatever.


  3. In terms of story line, The Dark Knight Rises will be better then The Avengers especially if that RUMORED scene between Bane and Gordon and the ending is true

  4. Is that Alucard in the new Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 trailer?

  5. HD versions of KH1, KH2, COM, and 358/2 Days are coming to the Wii U?

    1. Rob


      Well, we know KH1 and 2(FM?) would be in it. Nomura said COM's story wasn't really needed, and fans voted for BBS for PSP remaster most wanted game.

    2. FireRubies1


      HD remasters have been rumored forever (and never confirmed). But why on the Wii-U? Having a way different control interface would be pointless. Plus Re:CoM and Days are already fairly recent and Nomura said the story for CoM wasn't really needed o3o. The whole reason Nomura thought about remakes was because KH1 and KH2 were made so long ago and new fans probably wouldn't play them and those two are like the most important.

    3. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      Well, this latest rumor actually said Wii U, PS3, and PSVita. But, the Wii U would have extra story content that tied in with 3D. Most likely the reasoning would be to push sales of the Wii U.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  6. Grab your guns, keyblades and call The Avengers! Oh, and Batman.
  7. Who the hell gets off on bath salt? I think even Charlie Sheen doesn't do that.

  8. http://up.liga.ir/images/6m7ux4qi4c6tyn7dvp1x.swf I pulled this off on my friend.
    1. Col.Random
    2. Kinode


      Why didn't this scare as much as the first time.


  9. I'm surprise no one has said that Sora is a girl name in the game.

  10. The epic conclusion to The Dark Knight Legend.

  11. The Lizard in The Amazing Spider-Man looks like a bloody goomba from the Super Mario Bros. movie.....God I hope the movie rights go back to Marvel/Disney

  12. What the Firetruck, G.I. Joe Retaliation is being moved back to 2013 to convert to 3D?!?!?

    1. Rob


      Another reason why I hate 3D.

  13. Apparently, a KH fan freaked out after reading Kingdom Hearts: The Other Mix which is a creepypasta.....I feel bad for her.

    1. waytothexdawnx


      i just read it. its not scary lol its sick, but not scary.

    2. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      Squidwards suicide freaked me out big time when I first read it.

    3. burnsideking24


      Oh my god. Squidward's suicide freaked me out too! I didnt even wanna look at the piture

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  14. Saw the Avengers for the fourth time today and to be honest the first half of the film is kinda boring.....

    1. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      That's still saying something. lol Take away Captain America's "steroids" and there's not much left.

    2. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      Take away Thor's Hammer and.....Well he's still a god.

    3. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      I'll give you that one. He did headbutt a suit of armor and take it like a.... God. lol

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  15. Should Kingdom Hearts take the Final Fantasy route and have future games go full CGI? It would work if Square wants to add pixar worlds later on.

  16. Turns out one of my friends is a homophobic and I called him out on it on Twitter......Well rip him a new one that no one is gonna be happy about.

    1. Lt Ultima

      Lt Ultima

      You should probably do the second one only because it shows your the bigger person

    2. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      True, which is what I'm doing.

    3. Lt Ultima

      Lt Ultima

      Cool good job

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  17. Random Match up of the day: Sora vs. Bane from TDKR. (Can Bane break Sora's Keyblade?)

  18. Random match up of the day: Aqua vs. Black Widow. Who would win?

  19. The new Dark Knight Rises trailer......Holy Firetuck.

  20. Has anyone read cupcakes?

    1. Crisp Cucumber

      Crisp Cucumber

      I have. I didn't find it scary, but it was gross. O.o

  21. Sora vs. Hulk or Thor. What would you like to see?

    1. replika13
    2. Col.Random
    3. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      I lol'd louder then I was suppose to....And I actually read that in Hiddleston's voice

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  22. The new Dark Knight Rises trailer is gonna be attach to The Avengers on May 4th....There might be a new Spider-Man trailer to the movie as well, *geek heaven*

  23. Sora vs. Loki.....The Keyblade Weilder vs. The God of Mischief.....Who would win?

    1. Deadshot
    2. Koko


      koko obviously

    3. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      I don't know if Sora has face a god before....Unless you count Hades

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