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Dracula X

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About Dracula X

  • Birthday 10/27/1991

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  1. HD versions of KH1, KH2, COM, and 358/2 Days are coming to the Wii U?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rob


      Well, we know KH1 and 2(FM?) would be in it. Nomura said COM's story wasn't really needed, and fans voted for BBS for PSP remaster most wanted game.

    3. FireRubies1


      HD remasters have been rumored forever (and never confirmed). But why on the Wii-U? Having a way different control interface would be pointless. Plus Re:CoM and Days are already fairly recent and Nomura said the story for CoM wasn't really needed o3o. The whole reason Nomura thought about remakes was because KH1 and KH2 were made so long ago and new fans probably wouldn't play them and those two are like the most important.

    4. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      Well, this latest rumor actually said Wii U, PS3, and PSVita. But, the Wii U would have extra story content that tied in with 3D. Most likely the reasoning would be to push sales of the Wii U.

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