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  1. Wow, I can't believe it. After lurking and being on this site for so long, we are finally close to Kingdom Hearts 3. I've been waiting for this moment
  2. Same here and I haven't even finished the first remix set yet except for KHFM and 358/2
  3. I will skit bricks, I just bought the VC version and I love it so far, then Xenoblade came in an stopped me for a while lol. I look forward to seeing Gameinformer.
  4. I'm planning to go California around the time of E3 next year (2015) I'd just like to go there to play some of the games (Mainly Star Fox U, hopefully KH3/FFXV), I'm not really trying to get into the conferences but if I could that would be nice . I'm there for the experience Anyways is there limited Public access? And how would I go about getting into E3 to play the games, not go to the conferences I know that you usually have to be apart of a journalist site or something else (If anyone is looking for a person to go to E3 for the Conferences PICK ME )
  5. Thank god, I was getting tired of her. What if this earth is actually set before FFVII in the past 0.0
  6. Is this a joke or is this serious? I would like this, as it would go good with my Smash Fest Pin I got from winning with Mega Man .
  7. Idk how to feel to be completely honest. I wish they would do Mega Flygon and Milotic. I know this one is out of the realm of possibility for now but I want Mega Greninja.
  8. I bought my 3DS a couple months ago, I was thinking about getting MK7 when I got it, but I had just got MK8. Here the games I have now Pokemon X Kingdom Hearts 3D LoZ: Link Between Worlds Project X Zone Kirby Triple Deluxe DK Country Returns 3D (Thanks for the cheap reward Club Nintendo -_-) Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon Fire Emblem: Awakening Star Fox Command Namco Museum/collection whatever I have to say out of everything I have right now, I have only been on Pokemon X not because the other stink, it's just I have to finish off Pokemon X's Pokedex first (676 out 719). I am desperate to play Fire Emblem Awakening though and I have to say all the games I thought I was going to like (i.e Mario Kart, 3D Land, Animal Crossing) except X, KH3d, and Dark Moon, haven't really interested me all these other games especially X, have really really surprised me. I just hope they make a new Metroid for 3DS and I can't wait for Smash 4. If you are looking for any 3DS games to hold you over that are sorta short but fun, I would definitely say Kirby Triple Deluxe. Before that though go play the Uncharted games, they are amazingly awesome and cinematic and if you haven't played TLOU go try that masterpiece afterwards, alongside The Walking Dead: Season 1, KH, and Assassin's Creed 2 this is one of the only games that made me cry.
  9. So, Micro's E3 Conference is over what did you think? Also DAT Conker Tease!! Oh the feels!!
  10. Sure I'll take it, if you don't mind, I really want to try out Zelda Wind Waker.
  11. Okay so I saw some things of Lightning returns (I can't say what it is because idk how to do a spoiler tag on the iPad ). My question to anyone who may have received the game via import or just spoiled it for themselves like me. How did you feel about the ending. Also if you know how to do the spoiler tag thing please let me know. Remember all spoilers must be in the spoiler tag things.
  12. Quick solution for those staying up to watch, play something on your phone until then or watch a movie or the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 trailer over and over. It should go by quick.
  13. Found this on gamefaqs and apparently the trailer should be up soon. http://img.youtube.com/vi/Pr9twjpM7gU/maxresdefault.jpg Also I wanted to provide a link for the original post. The trailer should be up around 11 PST so it's 8 over there now so in a bout 3 hours we'll be able to see it according to a post on the original post http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/718920-kingdom-hearts-iii/67497723
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